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发布时间:2018-12-12 09:05
[Abstract]:With the development of society and the increasing rate of urbanization, transmission lines in urban areas are laid underground by cable widely, which can save ground space and be safer, but once the cable line breaks down, The detection and repair of cable faults are very difficult. At present, there is no monitoring method that can completely avoid the cable defect from developing into cable fault, and the accident of external force breaking the cable can not be eliminated. Therefore, once the cable fails, how to quickly repair the cable, saving repair materials, cost becomes a key issue. According to the existing technology, the cable has a single phase fault. When repairing the cable, based on the consideration of the cable three-phase insulation integrity, the fault part should be sawed off, a new section of cable should be replaced, and two sets of three-phase cable connectors should be remade. If the cable is only single phase fault, if the cable is completely replaced, it will not only consume more materials, but also install the cable joint, and excavate the joint pit will require more labor cost and time cost. The research of single-phase fault repair method of cable can restore the cable to the running condition in the links of insulation, electric field and sealing, which will greatly reduce the repair cost of cable, save the material and reduce the repair time of cable. In this paper, a new idea and method of cable single-phase fault repair are put forward. This paper introduces the methods of cable repair before and after fault at home and abroad, compares its shortcomings and limitations, and probes into the methods of repairing cable after fault. First of all, starting with the structure and accessory type of 35kV cable, the advantages and disadvantages of common cable accessories, the different adaptability to environment, the common fault types and the causes of failure are compared and analyzed. The key factors to ensure the installation quality of cable accessories and the hidden dangers and defects that may threaten the safe operation of cables are preliminarily determined. Finally, taking the above theory as the basis, synthesizing the attachment installation technology and materials used at present, using the new method proposed in this paper, taking the on-site operation technology of a 35kV cable line terminal fault repair in 2013 as the blueprint, The single-phase fault repair method for medium-voltage XLPE cable is refined and applied to the field practice. The safe and reliable operation of the repaired cable proves the effectiveness and extensibility of the repair method. Through practical analysis, it is shown that this method can greatly improve the repair speed, reduce the time of power outage, material consumption and labor cost, and achieve the effect of "one arrow and more carving".


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