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发布时间:2018-12-13 17:33
【摘要】:10kV线路是电力系统的重要组成部分,担负着输送和分配电能的重要任务。随着社会经济不断发展时期,城乡经济步入快速发展,特别是近年来新农村电气化建设、“家电下乡”等一系列惠民政策的实施,城乡居民生活水平明显提升,用电量年年递增,高效的电能在城乡经济和生活中需求面和需求量越来越大,对10kV配电网的安全可靠运行要求越来越高。因此,在事故发生后准确地进行线路事故诊断分析,及早完成事故处理并尽快恢复供电,并在日常工作中做好事故的防范,尽量减少事故发生显得尤其重要,具有巨大的社会效益和经济效益。 本文通过对10kV线路各类事故原因的剖析,从技术层面制定防范措施,同时结合“三集五大”体系建设,从管理方面提出防范配电线路事故的管理措施,再借助配网自动化建设,深化配电线路管控手段,形成配电线路事故防范网络,能够显著降低配电线路事故率,切实提高配电线路安全运行水平,为客户提供更加可靠的电力保障。
[Abstract]:10kV line is an important part of power system, which is responsible for transmitting and distributing electric energy. With the continuous development of social economy, the urban and rural economy has stepped into rapid development, especially the implementation of a series of preferential policies such as the construction of new rural electrification in recent years, "home appliances going to the countryside" and so on, and the living standards of urban and rural residents have obviously improved. With the increase of electricity consumption year by year, the demand and demand of high efficiency electric energy in urban and rural economy and daily life are more and more large, and the demand for the safe and reliable operation of 10kV distribution network is more and more high. Therefore, it is very important to accurately diagnose and analyze the line accidents, finish the accident treatment as soon as possible and restore the power supply as soon as possible, and do a good job in the daily work to prevent the accidents and reduce the accidents as far as possible. It has great social and economic benefits. Based on the analysis of the causes of all kinds of accidents on 10kV lines, this paper formulates the preventive measures from the technical level, at the same time, combined with the construction of "three sets and five" system, puts forward the management measures to prevent the accidents of distribution lines from the aspect of management, and makes use of the construction of distribution network automation. Deepening the means of distribution line management and control, forming the distribution line accident prevention network, can significantly reduce the accident rate of distribution line, improve the safe operation level of distribution line, and provide more reliable electric power guarantee for customers.


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