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发布时间:2018-12-15 05:08
[Abstract]:Petroleum is an important primary energy, which plays an important role in the development of national economy. The oil acquisition and output can not be separated from the support of electric power. As the infrastructure to provide oil field power, the reliability of oil grid is the key index of oil enterprises. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze the power supply reliability of oil field power grid and to seek further measures to improve the reliability of oil field power grid according to the characteristics of oil field grid. Based on the reliability analysis of conventional oilfield power network, this paper focuses on the analysis of the main load-pumping unit characteristics of the oil field power network, and tries to find more targeted measures to improve the power grid reliability. Firstly, the load characteristics of pumping units are analyzed from three aspects: periodicity, uncertainty and synchronism. Then, the reliability index of oilfield power network is calculated by analytic method, and the influence of line failure rate, line repair time, circuit breaker failure rate, circuit breaker repair time and T connection on power network reliability is analyzed. Aiming at the simultaneous rate of pumping unit load, the reliability index of pumping unit under different synchronous rate is calculated. Finally, according to the above research, from the angle of adjusting the power grid structure and regulating the simultaneous rate of pumping units, taking a domestic oil field grid as an example, seven measures to improve the reliability level of the power grid are put forward, and the reliability indexes of each measure are calculated.


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