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发布时间:2018-12-18 01:54
【摘要】:类似DSP的智能设备通信(多为全双工串行通信),必须自己编写通信应用程序。编写通信程序的关键在于通信协议。本次设计以TMS320F2812DSP为研究对象,以Modbus为通信协议,建立TMS320F2812的通信系统,并最终应用于由无刷直流电机、TMS320F2812、eviewET070HMI组成的电机监控系统中去。 文章首先分别阐述了DSP与Modbus协议在国内外的发展概况及发展趋势,对本次设计的研究目的及内容进行了分析,并对通信系统的组成、Modbus传输方式,事务处理过程,错误检测方法等进行了详细的解析。 然后对TMS320F2812的通信系统的模块进行分析设计,绘制出各个模块的程序流程图。严格遵循Modbus格式标准,,对系统参数进行初始化包括初始化TMS320F2812串行通信接口、初始化GPIO通用串口、初始化PIE中断向量表、初始化EV事件管理器等;对通信数据进行处理包括数据帧接收、解析、校验、处理以及异常响应等。 设计Modbus协议的功能码程序,包括读线圈状态功能、读保持寄存器功能、强制一个逻辑线圈的通断功能、写一个保持寄存器功能、强制一串连续的逻辑线圈通断功能,把具体二进制值写入一串连续的保持寄存器功能。设计数据接收中断子程序与发送中断子程序。 待所有模块程序设计完成以后,通过串口助手验证数据收发结果是否正确,验证结果正确以后,将该TMS320F2812通信程序应用于电机监控系统中去。eviewET070HMI内嵌遵循Modbus通信协议的驱动程序,可与上位机TMS320F2812直接通信,对eviewET070进行监控界面设计,对电机的启停、转向、转速、相电压、相电流等进行了监测与控制。同时对通信参数进行设置,对监控系统开辟内存,对监控变量进行地址映射等。 最后对电机监控系统进行实验室联机调试,用表针、趋势图等方式展现电机监控过程中eviewET070HMI与TMS320F2812的通信效果图。实验结果表明基于Modbus协议编写的TMS320F2812通信程序实时、可靠,并成功应用于电机监控系统中,有效解决了系统的通信问题。
[Abstract]:DSP-like intelligent device communication (mostly full-duplex serial communication), must write their own communication applications. The key of writing communication program is communication protocol. This design takes TMS320F2812DSP as the research object and Modbus as the communication protocol, establishes the communication system of TMS320F2812, and finally applies it to the motor monitoring system composed of brushless DC motor and TMS320F2812,eviewET070HMI. In this paper, the general situation and development trend of DSP and Modbus protocols at home and abroad are described, the purpose and content of this design are analyzed, and the composition of communication system, Modbus transmission mode, transaction processing process are analyzed. Error detection methods are analyzed in detail. Then, the module of TMS320F2812 communication system is analyzed and designed, and the program flow chart of each module is drawn. The system parameters are initialized including TMS320F2812 serial communication interface, GPIO universal serial port, PIE interrupt meter, EV event manager and so on. The processing of communication data includes data frame receiving, parsing, checking, processing and exception response. The function code program of Modbus protocol is designed, including read coil state function, read and hold register function, force a logic coil on and off function, write a hold register function, force a serial logic coil to open and break function. Write specific binary values to a series of contiguous retention registers. Design data receive interrupt subroutine and send interrupt subroutine. After all the module program design is completed, the serial port assistant is used to verify whether the data is correct or not, and after the verification result is correct, the TMS320F2812 communication program is applied to the motor monitoring system. The eviewET070HMI embedded driver follows the Modbus communication protocol. It can communicate directly with the host computer TMS320F2812, design the monitoring interface of eviewET070, monitor and control the starting and stopping, steering, rotating speed, phase voltage and phase current of the motor. At the same time, the communication parameters are set up, the memory of the monitoring system is opened up, and the address mapping of the monitoring variables is carried out. Finally, the on-line debugging of the motor monitoring system is carried out in the laboratory, and the communication effect between eviewET070HMI and TMS320F2812 in the process of motor monitoring is shown by means of table needle, trend chart and so on. The experimental results show that the TMS320F2812 communication program based on Modbus protocol is real-time, reliable and successfully applied to the motor monitoring system, which effectively solves the communication problem of the system.


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