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发布时间:2018-12-20 22:28
【摘要】:电动汽车有污染小、能耗低、噪音低等优点,其对环境、能源和电网意义重大,电动汽车发展的推进势在必行。由于充电机含有大量电力电子器件,并且其工作时呈现出非线性特性,在配电网中产生谐波污染,使得功率因数下降,电网的电能质量受到影响,因此对电动汽车充电的谐波问题的研究具有现实意义。 本文利用Matlab/Simulink搭建了充电机(站)的仿真模型,分析充电机(站)的谐波特性,进而比较不同情况下的仿真结果,对谐波电流和功率因数进行相应的量化处理;在此基础上,给出了约束条件和相应目标函数,建立电动汽车充电组合的优化模型;求出满足目标函数和约束条件的充电组合,最后对优化的充电组合进行验证。 首先,介绍了充电机的充电模式、充电机的种类,从理论方面分析电动汽车充电机的谐波特性,并分析了谐波对电力系统的影响。 依据充电机的原理,利用电力系统仿真软件Matlab/Simulink,建立6脉波不控整流充电机的模型。在此基础上,研究各次谐波电流、各次谐波含有率、总畸变率的变化规律。主要分析各次谐波电流随电动汽车充电台数的变化规律,以及电动汽车以不同起始电量混合充电情况下,,各次谐波电流变化规律。 根据对电动汽车充电站的仿真数据,分析各次谐波和功率因数随不同充电时段的变化关系,将谐波电流和功率因数进行相应的量化处理;给出约束条件和相应的目标函数,建立电动汽车充电组合的优化模型。进而求出满足目标函数和约束条件的充电组合。本文采用两种方法验证充电组合的有效性。其一,通过利用Matlab/Simulink所搭建的仿真模型,进行仿真分析,比较谐波电流和功率因数的变化情况;其二,利用所建立的数学模型进行分析比较。此模型的建立为规模化电动汽车充电的控制策略提供了支持。
[Abstract]:Electric vehicle has the advantages of low pollution, low energy consumption and low noise. It is of great significance to the environment, energy and power grid, so it is imperative to promote the development of electric vehicle. Because the charger contains a large number of power electronic devices, and it has nonlinear characteristics when it works, it produces harmonic pollution in the distribution network, which makes the power factor decrease, and the power quality of the power network is affected. Therefore, it is of practical significance to study the harmonics of electric vehicle charging. In this paper, the simulation model of the charger (station) is built by using Matlab/Simulink, and the harmonic characteristics of the charger (station) are analyzed, then the simulation results under different conditions are compared, and the harmonic current and power factor are quantified accordingly. On this basis, the constraint condition and the corresponding objective function are given, the optimization model of the electric vehicle charging combination is established, the charging combination satisfying the objective function and the constraint condition is obtained, and the optimized charging combination is verified at last. Firstly, the charging mode and the type of charger are introduced. The harmonic characteristics of electric vehicle charger are analyzed theoretically, and the influence of harmonics on power system is analyzed. According to the principle of charger, the model of 6 pulse uncontrolled rectifier is established by using power system simulation software Matlab/Simulink,. On this basis, the variation law of harmonic current, harmonic content rate and total distortion rate are studied. This paper mainly analyzes the variation of harmonic current with the number of charging stations of electric vehicle and the variation of harmonic current of electric vehicle under the condition of mixed charging with different initial charge. According to the simulation data of electric vehicle charging station, the relationship between harmonic wave and power factor with different charging period is analyzed, and the harmonic current and power factor are quantified. The constraint condition and the corresponding objective function are given, and the optimization model of electric vehicle charging combination is established. Furthermore, the charging combination satisfying the objective function and the constraint condition is obtained. In this paper, two methods are used to verify the validity of the charge combination. First, the harmonic current and power factor are compared by using the simulation model built by Matlab/Simulink. Secondly, the mathematical model is used to analyze and compare the harmonic current and power factor. The establishment of this model provides support for the charging control strategy of large-scale electric vehicles.


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