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发布时间:2018-12-28 13:51
【摘要】:正一家荷兰公司建造了世界上第一条完全用太阳能电池板修建的自行车道。这条"太阳路"贯穿阿姆斯特丹北部郊区克罗曼尼,长约70 m,已对民众开放。在夜晚,这条"太阳路"上发出的光亮如天空中的繁星一般,美轮美奂。据报道,由太阳能道路公司建造的这条自行车道"由一排排晶体硅太阳能电池板组成,这些太阳能电池板被埋在混凝土中,上面覆盖着半透明的钢化玻璃"。车道已于11月12日对公众开放。据悉,"太阳路"工程从2009年启动,灵感来自梵高的画作"繁星闪耀的夜晚"。荷兰应用科学研究组织(TNO)率领
[Abstract]:A Dutch company has built the world's first full solar panel bike lane. The Sun Road, which runs through Kromani, a northern suburb of Amsterdam, is about 70 m long and is open to the public. At night, the sun road shines like stars in the sky. The bike lane, built by Solar Road, is reported to be "made up of rows of crystal silicon solar panels buried in concrete covered with translucent toughened glass." The lane was opened to the public on November 12 th. The Sun Road project was launched in 2009 and inspired by Van Gogh's starry Night. Led by (TNO), Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research


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3 余金城;改造旧路时修建简易自行车道的可行性研究[J];中南公路工程;1988年02期

4 李怀成;自行车“追尾”为哪般?[J];汽车运用;1998年02期

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