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发布时间:2018-12-29 08:13
【摘要】:我国工业用水主要集中在五大行业,即火电、石油化工、冶金、造纸和纺织。这五个行业的总取水量占全国工业取水量的2/3,其中火力发电行业是取水量最大的行业。火电厂需要有足够的水量和一定的水质来保证生产,而内蒙古地区的火力发电厂在用水效率和水平方面,与国外先进国家以及国内发达地区相比都存在着较大的差距;人的节水意识淡薄,缺乏有效的管理手段和方法,普遍存在不同程度的用水浪费现象。因此在内蒙古特别是中西部地区火力发电厂大力开展节水,重要性不言而喻,如何能够科学、合理地使用水资源,,是关系到地区经济发展是否可持续,区域生态环境能否保持的核心问题。 之前对于火力发电企业节水方面的研究,只是较为侧重于废水的零排放以及节水用水技术这些层面,而有关废水回用处理及火电企业的各个系统用水的技术并没有较深层次的研究。在本文中,我们以内蒙古海勃湾电厂作为研究对象,基于经济合理、技术可行等相关原则,通过对火力发电企业用水节水的基本政策和节水技术的总结归纳,同时分析了用水现状和节水潜力,并提出了火力发电企业节水策略的技术优化途径,最后对该电厂进行了技术经济评价,为今后火力发电企业节水模型的实施以及有效的推广奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:China's industrial water is mainly concentrated in five industries, that is, thermal power, petrochemical, metallurgy, paper and textile. The total water intake of these five industries accounts for 2 / 3 of the national industrial water intake, among which the thermal power industry is the largest. The thermal power plant needs enough water quantity and certain water quality to ensure production, but the thermal power plant in Inner Mongolia has a big gap compared with foreign advanced countries and domestic developed regions in the efficiency and level of water use. People's consciousness of saving water is weak, lack of effective management means and methods, and there is a phenomenon of water waste in different degrees. Therefore, in Inner Mongolia, especially in the central and western regions of thermal power plants, the importance of vigorously developing water saving is self-evident. How to use water resources scientifically and rationally is related to the sustainability of regional economic development. The core problem of whether the regional ecological environment can be maintained. Previous research on water saving in thermal power plants has only focused on zero discharge of wastewater and water saving technologies. However, there is no deep research on wastewater reuse treatment and water use in thermal power plant. In this paper, we take Haibiewan Power Plant in Inner Mongolia as the research object, based on the relevant principles such as economic reasonableness, feasible technology and so on, through summarizing the basic policy and water-saving technology of coal-fired power enterprises. At the same time, the present situation of water use and water saving potential are analyzed, and the technical optimization approach of water-saving strategy of thermal power plant is put forward. Finally, the technical and economic evaluation of the power plant is carried out. It lays a foundation for the implementation and effective popularization of water-saving model for thermal power enterprises in the future.


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