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发布时间:2018-12-31 12:57
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the global economy, human demand for energy is increasing. Because of the increasing shortage of conventional resources such as coal and oil on the earth, and the utilization of the conventional resources can bring a lot of pollution to the environment, in order to solve the problems of energy and environment, we can reasonably utilize the conventional resources such as coal, oil and the like, The use of renewable resources must be vigorously developed. As a safe, environment-friendly and new type of renewable energy, wind energy is inexhaustible. With the mature of the wind power generation technology, the cost of wind power generation is also decreasing. In the field of wind power generation, the direct drive type wind generating set has become an important research direction. In this paper, the control strategy of the dual PWM converter is analyzed and studied based on the direct drive type wind generating set, and the control strategy of the sliding mode variable structure is applied to the control system of the dual PWM converter, and the simulation model of the wind power generation system is established in the MATLAB simulation software, It is proved that the design method proposed in this paper is feasible. In this paper, the modeling and simulation of the control system of the double-PWM converter of the direct-drive wind-driven generator set are studied. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic structure and related characteristics of the direct-drive permanent-magnet wind power generation system, and introduces the basic principle of each component in detail. On this basis, the mathematical model of each component is established, including the wind turbine model and the transmission system model. The model of the permanent-magnet synchronous generator, the mathematical model of the double-PWM converter and the mathematical model of the intermediate DC link. Secondly, the basic principle of the sliding mode variable structure control is introduced, and a non-singular terminal sliding mode with fast convergence is designed for the disadvantage of the dynamic performance difference of the non-singular terminal sliding mode at the far distance from the equilibrium point. Based on the control principle of the sliding mode variable structure, the DC side voltage, the d-axis current and the q-axis current of the grid-side PWM converter are respectively designed, and the basic principle of the SVPWM pulse width modulation and its realization method are introduced in detail. Thirdly, the method of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the principle of the vector control of the permanent magnet synchronous generator are introduced, and the realization method of the maximum power point tracking control and the zero d-axis current vector control based on the optimal blade tip speed ratio is given. On the basis of this, the double closed-loop control principle of the rotating speed outer ring and the current inner ring of the machine-side PWM converter is introduced. Then, the rotational speed, d-axis current and q-axis current of the machine-side PWM converter are designed based on the sliding mode variable structure control theory. In the end, the control of the position sensor of the permanent magnet synchronous generator is studied in the wind power generation system, the model of the sliding mode observer is designed, and the rotor speed and the rotor position of the permanent magnet synchronous generator are estimated by the model to replace the position sensor. and the position sensor control of the permanent-magnet synchronous generator is realized. Finally, the simulation model of the control of the network-side PWM converter, the simulation model of the machine-side PWM converter and the simulation model of the sliding mode observer are set up in the MATLAB simulation software. then the whole model of the wind power system is simulated and tested, and the simulation result analysis shows that the control strategy of the double-PWM converter of the wind generating set can realize the maximum power point tracking of the wind energy and realize the unit power factor of the grid voltage and the network, The control system has good dynamic performance and steady-state performance. On the basis of this, the simulation model of the wind power generation system based on the sliding mode observer is established, and the simulation analysis shows that the wind power generation system based on the sliding mode observer can accurately estimate the rotor speed and the rotor position of the permanent magnet synchronous generator, and the position-free sensor control of the permanent-magnet synchronous generator is realized.


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