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发布时间:2018-12-31 20:52
【摘要】:随着煤、石油等传统能源的短缺和环境污染的加剧,新型清洁能源逐渐受到人们的重视,其中最受瞩目的是太阳能。太阳能电池是直接将光能转换为电能的装置,其转换过程中污染很小。目前在太阳能电池中,晶体硅太阳能电池以其技术成熟、光电转换效率高等优点而被广泛应用。在晶体硅太阳能电池中,导电银浆广泛用于正极材料中,但是随着银的价格不断上涨,导电银浆的成本也不断上升,因此一些贱金属材料被开发出来用于导电浆料。在贱金属中,铜的导电性几乎与银相当,也没有Ag+迁移的缺陷,而且价格远远低于银,这使得铜成为一种较为理想的材料,导电铜浆也成为一种有前景的浆料。因此对于晶体硅太阳能电池用导电铜浆的研究具有重要意义。 本论文采用混合研磨法将铜粉、PbO-B2O3系含铅玻璃粉和有机载体制备成导电铜浆,并优化了组成配比和烧结工艺。对含铅玻璃粉和有机载体进行了研究,对导电铜浆的电性能、稳定性和可靠性进行了研究,将导电铜浆应用在太阳能电池正极上,并制成太阳能电池片,用I-V测试仪对其进行性能测试。 选用PbO、B2O3、SiO2、Al2O3、ZnO、ZrO2和P2O5作为玻璃原料,采用高温熔融水淬法制备了以PbO-B2O3为基本体系的含铅玻璃粉,并通过以下测试手段对其进行表征。采用X射线衍射法(XRD)对含铅玻璃粉进行测试和表征,结果表明在2θ为20°~35°范围内均有较明显的馒头峰出现,而无尖锐狭窄的晶态峰,说明具有典型的非晶态结构,成玻性能良好。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对含铅玻璃粉进行测试和表征,结果表明形貌呈片状和球状,粒径细小,分布均匀。采用热分析仪对含铅玻璃粉进行差热(DTA)分析,结果表明其软化温度约为523℃,符合低熔点无机粘结剂标准。采用行星式球磨机对含铅玻璃粉进行球磨,结果表明当球磨5h时,玻璃粉大小均匀,平均粒径在1~2μm左右。 采用恒温失重法研究了在60℃~180℃范围内常用有机溶剂的挥发特性,确定了有机载体溶剂的组成为松油醇、柠檬酸三丁酯、二乙二醇丁醚、二乙二醇丁醚醋酸酯。为了提高铜浆的粘度,避免粉体颗粒凝聚、沉淀和结块,并使铜浆具有一定的流变性,加入增稠剂乙基纤维素。采用热分析仪对乙基纤维素和有机载体进行热重(TG)分析,,结果表明乙基纤维素在350~375℃范围挥发,有机载体在150~200℃范围挥发。为了在烧结过程中减少有机载体的残留量,铜浆在这两个温度范围内保温。采用红外光谱法(FTIR)对有机载体进行测试和表征,结果表明有机载体与国内外有机载体谱图有相似的吸收峰,有机载体的组成可以满足太阳能电池用铜浆的要求。采用静置法对有机载体和玻璃粉的相容性进行了测试,结果表明当乙基纤维素含量为6%时未出现明显的分层现象,有机载体与玻璃粉相容性最好。 将含铅玻璃粉、铜粉和有机载体混合配制成导电铜浆,在550℃真空烧结后采用四探针测试仪测量烧结铜膜的电阻率。对导电铜浆的成分配比进行了探索,结果表明,当铜浆料的组分及其含量为铜粉(75%)、含铅玻璃粉(5%)、有机载体(20%)时,铜浆料的导电率最小。对导电铜浆的烧结工艺进行了探讨,结果表明,当烧结温度为550℃,保温时间为20min时,铜膜的性能最佳。在常温和高温条件下对导电铜浆进行稳定性研究,在恒湿恒温条件下对其进行加速失效测试,其电阻的增幅均较小,表明该导电铜浆具有良好的稳定性和可靠性。 将含铅导电铜浆应用于太阳能电池正极材料中,并制备太阳能电池片,用I-V测试仪进行性能测试。结果表明,电池片的效率为1.43%。
[Abstract]:With the shortage of traditional energy such as coal and oil and the intensification of environmental pollution, the new type of clean energy is paid more and more attention, among which the most important is the solar energy. The solar cell is a device for converting the light energy directly into electric energy, and the pollution is small in the conversion process. At present, in the solar cell, the crystalline silicon solar cell is widely used in the advantages of mature technology, high photoelectric conversion efficiency and the like. In crystalline silicon solar cells, the conductive silver paste is widely used in the positive electrode material, but as the price of silver is increasing, the cost of the conductive silver paste is also increasing, so some base metal materials are developed for conductive paste. In base metals, the conductivity of copper is almost equivalent to that of silver, and there is no defect of Ag + migration, and the price is much lower than that of silver, which makes copper an ideal material, and the conductive copper paste also becomes a promising slurry. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the conductive copper paste for crystalline silicon solar cell. In this paper, copper powder, PbO-B2O3, lead-containing glass powder and organic carrier are prepared into conductive copper paste by a mixed grinding method, and the composition ratio and the sintering process are optimized. The electric properties, stability and reliability of the conductive copper paste were studied. The conductive copper paste was applied to the positive electrode of the solar cell, and the solar cell was made. The performance of the solar cell was measured by the I-V tester. The lead-containing glass powder is prepared by using PbO, B2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, ZnO, ZrO2 and P2O5 as the glass raw materials, and the lead-containing glass powder with the basic system of PbO-B2O3 is prepared by adopting a high-temperature molten water quenching method, and the lead-containing glass powder is prepared by the following test means The test and characterization of lead-containing glass powder were carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that there were more obvious peaks of steamed bread in the range of 20 掳 ~ 35 掳, without sharp and narrow crystalline peaks. The lead-containing glass powder was tested and characterized by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the morphology was in the form of sheet and spherical, with fine particle size and small particle size. The results show that the softening temperature is 523 鈩




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