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发布时间:2019-01-07 19:51
【摘要】:当代社会,经济的迅猛发展,能源需求的与日俱增,使得资源和环境压力日益扩大,社会对电力市场智能化的需求也越来越强烈,用户对电能的实时性以及质量的要求也持续的提高。面临如此挑战与机遇,开发并推广使用智能电表已成为国内外电力行业发展的主要研究方向。智能电表的推广应用,将为智能电网实现数据互动性提供重要媒介和平台。基于智能电表,智能电网可进行数据采集和计量,实现信息的归集和处理。而作为智能电网的组成部分之一的智能用电,是有效缓解上述能源问题、环境问题的重要举措之一。智能电表、智能电网以及智能用电的提出,将成为实现能源组织优化、电力传输智能化的重要手段。智能电表的宽裕柔性、高可靠性和强互动性将更好地保障经济持续增长、环境友好共存、效率持续提升和能源清洁安全。 本文针对智能电网环境下智能电表与新型居民用电营销服务体系的发展现状与前景,通过数据调研、国内外资料收集等,构建了含智能电表的用电营销系统模型,并基于电子通讯工程相关理论对系统进行了设计,以期为新形势下用电营销系统提供平台依据。首先,对电力营销系统与智能电表等相关理论进行了研究综述,并调研分析了国内外电力营销工作的发展状况、核心业务以及智能营销技术的典型应用等,为用电营销体系的构建奠定了理论基础。其次,针对电力用户需求特点及现有营销服务现状,构建了基于智能电表的用电营销系统模型,对系统组织架构及相关技术指标进行了详细论述;并进一步确定了系统功能设计接口设计、业务管控模式,并分析了具体的系统建设方案及所需软件设备。最后,结合智能电网、智能电表以及新型电力营销工作的开展现状,对未来我国居民用电营销管理工作的发展方向进行了研究,提出了与智能电表密切相关的需求侧响应管理机制与双向互动服务体系,并对未来用电营销工作中增值服务与电费电价机制做出了相关建议,完善了居民用电营销系统的配套服务机制与管理机制。
[Abstract]:In contemporary society, with the rapid development of economy and the increasing demand for energy, the pressure of resources and environment is increasing day by day, and the demand for intelligent power market is becoming more and more intense. The requirement of real-time and quality of electric energy is improved continuously. Faced with such challenges and opportunities, developing and popularizing intelligent ammeter has become the main research direction of electric power industry at home and abroad. The popularization and application of smart meter will provide important media and platform for smart grid to realize data interactivity. Based on intelligent meter, smart grid can collect and measure data, and collect and process information. As one of the components of smart grid, intelligent power consumption is one of the important measures to alleviate the energy problem and environmental problem. Intelligent meter, smart grid and intelligent power consumption will become an important means to realize the optimization of energy organization and the intelligent transmission of power. The flexibility, high reliability and strong interactivity of the intelligent meter will better guarantee the sustained economic growth, the friendly coexistence of the environment, the continuous improvement of efficiency and the clean and safe energy. In this paper, according to the current situation and prospect of smart meter and new residential electricity marketing service system under the environment of smart grid, through data investigation and data collection at home and abroad, the model of electric power marketing system with intelligent meter is constructed. Based on the theory of electronic communication engineering, the system is designed in order to provide the platform basis for the electric marketing system under the new situation. First of all, the paper summarizes the relevant theories of electric power marketing system and intelligent meter, and analyzes the development of electric power marketing work at home and abroad, the core business and the typical application of intelligent marketing technology, etc. It lays a theoretical foundation for the construction of electricity marketing system. Secondly, according to the demand characteristics of electric power users and the current situation of marketing service, the model of electric power marketing system based on intelligent ammeter is constructed, and the system organization structure and related technical indexes are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the system function design interface design, business management and control mode are determined, and the specific system construction scheme and the required software equipment are analyzed. Finally, according to the current situation of smart grid, smart meter and new electric power marketing, the future development direction of household electricity marketing management in China is studied. This paper puts forward a demand side response management mechanism and a bidirectional interactive service system, which are closely related to the intelligent meter, and makes some suggestions on the value-added service and the electricity price mechanism in the future electricity marketing work. Consummates the resident electricity marketing system the supporting service mechanism and the management mechanism.


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