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发布时间:2019-01-09 19:38
[Abstract]:The analog instrument control system in Yunyun nuclear power station is faced with the problems of technology aging and physical aging. The adoption of digital DCS technology to upgrade the general instrument and control system of nuclear power station in transit has the characteristics of complex technology, wide influence and large investment. Long project execution cycle, single implementation time is tight (can only be implemented during the unit overhaul) and other characteristics. From the necessity of transformation, the design standard of instrument and control system, the characteristics of digital instrument and control technology, the function analysis of instrument and control system, the security grading of instrument and control system, the architecture of instrument and control system, The task of digitized transformation of instrument and control system in every key stage of the whole life cycle, In this paper, the risk analysis of digital transformation of instrument and control system is presented, and the problems that need to be paid attention to in digital upgrading of analog instrument and control system of nuclear power station are analyzed and discussed preliminarily. On this basis, combined with the experiences and lessons of digital transformation of instrument and control system in foreign nuclear power stations, some suggestions are put forward for the digital transformation and upgrading strategy of analog instrument control system in nuclear power stations in China.
【作者单位】: 中科华核电技术研究院有限公司;


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