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发布时间:2019-01-21 18:31
【摘要】:发电优化调度模式是随着电力系统技术的不断进步、电力产业的不断发展、电网体制的不断变革乃至资源约束与环境保护要求的逐渐加强而与时俱进的。目前的节能减排发电优化调度模型,一般只考虑全系统污染物排放总量的最小化控制,而对污染物扩散与重点人居环境的时空分布影响关系考虑不够。针对此问题,本文研究了一种考虑污染物时空分布特性和不同地域差别化环境容量约束的发电调度方法。 首先分析了对于污染物扩散的分布特性具有重要影响的主要气象条件,建立了污染物扩散的时空分布模型。基于不同地域的环境容量标准,将对污染物排放的限制嵌入到电力系统的日发电计划中,建立了以各地区差别化环境容量约束为限制条件,能够兼顾重点人居环境诉求和煤耗最小化的火电机组日发电计划模型。 对污染物扩散有决定性影响的风速条件展开了深入讨论,将风速划分为普通风速与小风静风两种情况。针对不同气象情况下污染物扩散的不同特性,选择了相应的表达模型,设计了环境容量约束的计量方法。算例分析表明,考虑污染物扩散的时空分布特性和环境容量约束的日发电计划方法,在控制各地区污染物浓度上具有优越性。根据气象条件的变化,,可以相应作出变更,使得不同地域的大气污染物浓度尽可能控制在不同标准的范围之内,并有倾向性地照顾到重点人居环境对大气质量改善的诉求。 本文提出的考虑污染物时空分布特性和环境容量约束的日发电计划方法,为当前电力系统实现节能减排目标提供了不同于以往的参考方案,对促进经济社会和人居环境的和谐发展具有重要价值。
[Abstract]:With the development of power system technology, the continuous development of power industry, the continuous transformation of power network system and the gradual strengthening of resource constraints and environmental protection requirements, the mode of power generation optimal dispatch keeps pace with the times. The current optimal scheduling model for energy saving and emission reduction power generation generally only considers the minimization control of the total pollutant emissions of the whole system, but does not consider the relationship between pollutant diffusion and the spatio-temporal distribution of the key human settlements. In order to solve this problem, a power generation scheduling method considering the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutants and the environmental capacity constraints of different regions is studied in this paper. Firstly, the main meteorological conditions which have an important influence on the distribution characteristics of pollutant diffusion are analyzed, and the spatio-temporal distribution model of pollutant diffusion is established. Based on the environmental capacity standards of different regions, the emission limitation of pollutants is embedded in the daily power generation plan of the power system. The daily power generation planning model of thermal power units can take into account the environmental demands of key human settlements and the minimization of coal consumption. The wind speed conditions which have a decisive effect on pollutant diffusion are discussed in depth. The wind speed is divided into two cases: ordinary wind speed and small wind static wind. According to the different characteristics of pollutant diffusion under different meteorological conditions, the corresponding expression model is selected, and the measurement method of environmental capacity constraint is designed. The example analysis shows that the daily power generation planning method considering the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of pollutant diffusion and environmental capacity constraints has advantages in controlling the concentration of pollutants in various regions. According to the change of meteorological conditions, the concentration of atmospheric pollutants in different regions can be controlled within the range of different standards as far as possible, and the demands of the key human settlements to improve the atmospheric quality can be taken into account in a tendency way. In this paper, a daily power generation planning method considering the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of pollutants and environmental capacity constraints is proposed, which provides a different reference scheme for the current power system to achieve the goal of energy saving and emission reduction. It is of great value to promote the harmonious development of economic society and human settlement environment.


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