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发布时间:2019-01-23 19:59
[Abstract]:Post-project evaluation is an effective way to enhance the responsible attitude of investors. After discussing some problems, such as the benefit of betting on this project or the loss of money, and using a more just and reasonable method to find out who will determine the amount of the injected funds, The people who manage the project and those who manage the construction work in the project. Then solve these problems to improve these people's responsible attitude, and the level of their decisions, and their management of the project level. After the project is finished, the author puts forward some opinions on it, which is the follow-up to the management of the project, and it is also a part of the project management which has been paid more attention to for a period of time. Because the construction frequency of Xinjiang electric power is relatively high, the investors should have more reasonable methods and requirements to grasp each stage of the project in order to be able to develop smoothly in the future. Through the methods of literature collation and investigation, combined with the general research methods of post evaluation, this paper deals with the four aspects of the construction project of the first phase (2 脳 330MW unit) of heat and power generation in Wusu, that is, the implementation of the project, the effect and the benefit of the project. The environmental impact and social benefits, project objectives and sustainability of the project are investigated and understood, and compared with the objectives of the project decision-making period, the project is analyzed and evaluated. On this basis, the scientific and reasonable indexes of each criterion are established, and the logical framework table and the success evaluation table are designed. Finally, a perfect result of this work is obtained.


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