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发布时间:2019-02-09 15:24
【摘要】:随着工业的快速发展以及传统化石能源的日益减少,世界范围的环境污染和能源短缺己经成为制约人类社会可持续发展的重要因素。电动汽车以电能作为动力来源,行驶过程中不污染环境,是未来汽车行业的主要发展方向,电动汽车充放电站作为相应的配套设施,也得到了广泛关注和研究。 本文以电动汽车充放电站的几个关键技术作为研究对象,对充电站的谐波治理、快速充放电技术、充电站接入电网技术以及光储式充电站进行了研究,具体研究内容及成果如下: 首先分析了充电机的谐波特点,创新性地提出一种基于基波谐振原理、基波磁通补偿原理和传统无源滤波器相结合的滤波改进方法。通过理论分析和对单台和多台充电机谐波治理的仿真表明,所提滤波方法能够有效滤除电网中的电流和电压谐波,使其总畸变率分别控制在5%和1%以内,基本保证了电流和电压波形的正弦特性。 其次,设计了充放电机的拓扑结构,由一个可逆PWM整流器和多个并联的双向DC/DC变换器串联而成。对PWM整流器设计了基于LCL滤波的前馈解耦双闭环控制策略,并采用无源阻尼法消除谐振;对DC/DC变换器设计了基于电池不同充放电方式的控制策略,主要有电流控制、电压控制和电压电流双闭环控制。本文使用脉冲充电和恒流放电的充放电方式在MATLAB上仿真,结果证明了所设计的充放电机具有良好的动态和稳定性能,能够满足电动汽车快速充放电的需要。 然后,从电动汽车与电网的交互(V2G)出发,提出电动汽车接入电网的几种方式,在对微电源并网逆变器控制方法研究的基础上,以电动汽车放电时的并网逆变器为研究对象,建立其PQ控制的并网模型,仿真结果表明所设计的控制器具有较好的跟随性,实现了电动汽车放电时的成功并网。 最后,针对光储式充电站,详细分析了充电站并网运行和孤岛运行时,各个子系统的工作关系,并设计了充电站的三层控制系统。对充电站孤岛运行进行研究,重点是下垂控制理论,并设计了下垂控制器,建立了充电站孤岛运行时的MATLAB仿真模型,对充电站负荷突变和微电源电压下降两种情况进行仿真,结果证明了本文所设计的下垂控制器具有较快的响应速度和良好的稳定性,满足光储式充电站孤岛运行的要求。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industry and the decrease of traditional fossil energy, environmental pollution and energy shortage in the world have become an important factor restricting the sustainable development of human society. Electric vehicle takes electric energy as the power source and does not pollute the environment in the driving process. It is the main developing direction of the automobile industry in the future. The charging and discharging station of electric vehicle, as the corresponding supporting facility, has also received extensive attention and research. This paper takes several key technologies of electric vehicle charging and discharging station as the research object, studies the harmonic treatment of charging station, the rapid charging and discharging technology, the charging station connecting to the power network and the optical storage charging station. The specific research contents and results are as follows: firstly, the harmonic characteristics of the charger are analyzed, and an improved filtering method based on the fundamental resonance principle, the fundamental flux compensation principle and the traditional passive filter is proposed. Through theoretical analysis and simulation of harmonic control of single and multiple chargers, it is shown that the proposed filtering method can effectively filter the current and voltage harmonics in the power network, and the total distortion rate is controlled within 5% and 1% respectively. The sinusoidal characteristics of current and voltage waveforms are basically guaranteed. Secondly, the topology of the charging and discharging machine is designed, which consists of a reversible PWM rectifier and several parallel bi-directional DC/DC converters in series. The feedforward decoupling double closed loop control strategy based on LCL filter is designed for PWM rectifier, and the passive damping method is used to eliminate the resonance. The control strategies of DC/DC converter based on different charging and discharging modes of battery are designed, including current control, voltage control and voltage and current double closed loop control. In this paper, pulse charging and constant-current discharge charging and discharging methods are used to simulate on MATLAB. The results show that the designed charge-discharge machine has good dynamic and stable performance and can meet the needs of rapid charging and discharging of electric vehicles. Then, based on the interaction between electric vehicle and power grid (V2G), several ways of connecting electric vehicle to grid are put forward. Based on the research of the control method of grid-connected inverter with micro-power supply, the grid-connected inverter when electric vehicle discharges is taken as the research object. The grid-connected model of its PQ control is established, and the simulation results show that the controller designed has good follow-ability, and realizes the successful grid-connection of electric vehicle when it discharges. Finally, the working relationship of each subsystem is analyzed in detail when the charging station is grid-connected and islanding, and the three-layer control system of the charging station is designed. This paper studies the island operation of charging station, focuses on the droop control theory, designs the droop controller, establishes the MATLAB simulation model of the charging station island operation, and simulates the load abrupt change and the voltage drop of the charging station. The results show that the droop controller designed in this paper has fast response speed and good stability, and meets the requirements of isolated island operation of optical storage charging station.


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