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发布时间:2019-02-12 08:51
【摘要】:当前世界各国都面临垃圾泛滥成灾的现实,各国的视线已经不再停留在如何控制和销毁垃圾的问题上,而是采取积极的态度和有力的措施进行科学的处理,利用垃圾,将垃圾列为“第二资源”。垃圾焚烧是目前固体废弃物处理的有效途径之一,焚烧处理的优点是减量效果好,焚烧后的残渣体积减少90%以上,重量减少80%以上,处理彻底,污染小,而垃圾中的二次能源如有机可燃物等,所含的热值高,根据科学家测算焚烧2吨垃圾产生的热量大约相当于1吨煤。我国城市垃圾产量巨大,但垃圾焚烧发电我国在起步较晚,发展缓慢,虽然已经在部分经济发达城市进行了尝试,但推广效果不佳。鉴于垃圾焚烧发电对于节约资源,改善环境,实现国家的可持续发展具有重要意义,对垃圾焚烧发电项目进行客观、全面、深入的可行性研究非常必要。 基于以上背景,本文通过对BM区的自然条件、社会经济概况及发展规划的分析认为在BM区建设垃圾焚烧发电厂势在必行。因此对BM区垃圾焚烧发电进行可行性研究,采用文献理论研究、实证分析、经济分析等方法从技术、投资、风险等角度进行全面综合分析,对垃圾焚烧发电项目的建设、推广提供了有力证明。 本文一共七章。第一章绪论:主要介绍论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究内容和研究方法。第二章文献综述:分别对目前国内外可行性方法的研究现状进行梳理,辨析了相关概念,包括可行性研究、财务评价等。第三章项目情况。介绍BM区的概况及进行垃圾焚烧发电项目的有利条件。第四章从技术角度对BM区焚烧发电项目进行可行性分析。包括垃圾焚烧工艺的选择、焚烧流程的确定以及焚烧系统的配置。第五章从投资估算的角度对BM区焚烧发电项目进行可行性分析。从项目投资估算、资金筹措等进行具体分析。第六章从风险及应对措施角度对BM区焚烧发电项目进行可行性分析。包括存在的风险因素及相应的应对策略等。第七章结论。说明生活垃圾焚烧发电项目在BM区实施的可行性分析结论和建议。
[Abstract]:At present, all countries in the world are faced with the reality of overflowing garbage. The attention of all countries is no longer focused on how to control and destroy garbage. Instead, they take positive attitude and effective measures to carry out scientific treatment and make use of garbage. Classify garbage as a "second resource". MSW incineration is one of the effective ways to treat solid waste at present. The advantage of incineration treatment is that the effect of incineration is good, the volume of residue after incineration is reduced by more than 90%, the weight of MSW is reduced by more than 80%, the treatment is thorough, and the pollution is small. The secondary energy such as organic combustible in garbage contains high calorific value. According to scientists' calculation, the heat produced by incineration of 2 tons of garbage is about one ton of coal. The output of municipal solid waste in our country is huge, but the power generation by MSW incineration in our country starts late and develops slowly. Although it has been tried in some economically developed cities, its popularizing effect is not good. In view of the importance of garbage incineration power generation for saving resources, improving the environment and realizing the sustainable development of the country, it is necessary to carry out an objective, comprehensive and in-depth feasibility study on the project of garbage incineration power generation. Based on the above background, based on the analysis of the natural conditions, social and economic situation and development planning of BM area, it is considered that it is imperative to build MSW incineration power plant in BM area. Therefore, the feasibility study of MSW incineration power generation in BM area is carried out. The methods of literature theory research, empirical analysis, economic analysis and so on are used to comprehensively and synthetically analyze the technology, investment, risk and so on, so as to construct the MSW incineration power generation project. The generalization provides a strong proof. There are seven chapters in this paper. The first chapter introduces the research background, research significance, research content and research methods. The second chapter is literature review: the present situation of feasibility research at home and abroad is combed, and related concepts, including feasibility study and financial evaluation, are analyzed. Chapter III Information on projects. This paper introduces the general situation of BM area and the favorable conditions for the project of MSW incineration power generation. In the fourth chapter, the feasibility of BM area incineration power generation project is analyzed from the point of view of technology. It includes the selection of MSW incineration process, the determination of incineration process and the configuration of incineration system. Chapter five analyzes the feasibility of BM area incineration power generation project from the point of view of investment estimation. From the project investment estimates, financing and other specific analysis. The sixth chapter analyzes the feasibility of BM area incineration power generation project from the point of view of risk and countermeasures. Including the existence of risk factors and corresponding coping strategies. Chapter VII conclusion. The conclusion and suggestion of feasibility analysis on the implementation of MSW incineration power generation project in BM area are described.


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