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发布时间:2019-02-13 09:02
[Abstract]:Grounding device is the basic guarantee for the safe operation of power system, and strengthening the safety construction of ground grid is also in line with the needs of social development. In this paper, the selection and anticorrosion of earthing materials in acidic red soil are studied in order to provide theoretical and technical support for the reconstruction of earthing grid in acidic red soil area. In the aspect of experiment, field experiments were carried out on a variety of grounding materials (carbon steel, galvanized steel, passivated galvanized steel, zinc-aluminum alloy coated steel, copper coated steel, carbon black conductive coating steel and carbon-polymer conductive coating steel). Corrosion mechanism and corrosion resistance of earthing materials are analyzed from corrosion potential, corrosion morphology, corrosion products and corrosion data. Then the common earthing materials were studied by using resistance reducing agent (carbon black series resistance reducing agent and bentonite series resistance reducing agent) and cathodic protection method, and the anticorrosive effect of different measures was analyzed. In addition, the engineering experiment of cathodic protection is carried out, and the scope of application and practical protection effect of sacrificial anode protection and applied current protection are analyzed. The experimental results show that carbon steel is corroded seriously in red soil environment, and the corrosion rate can reach 6.9393g/dm2 a; The corrosion rate of galvanized steel is up to 3.2575g/dm2 a, and it has some protective effect on carbon steel, but the zinc coating is too thin and its life is limited. Both passivated zinc coating and zinc aluminum alloy coating can improve the properties of zinc coating and prolong the coating life. The effect of zinc aluminum alloy coating is the most obvious, and the corrosion rate can be reduced to 0.6333g/dm2 a. Copper and copper coated steel have low activity and good corrosion resistance. Pitting corrosion is the main corrosion of carbon steel, but with the increase of water content, there is a trend of non-uniform overall corrosion. Zinc and zinc alloy coatings have good cathodic protection, the local corrosion of the coating is the main, and there is no pitting corrosion in the substrate metal. Two kinds of organic coating materials (carbon black conductive coating and carbon polymer conductive coating) have strong corrosion resistance, but there is the problem of coating damage, which is easy to cause serious pitting corrosion. It should be used in combination with cathodic protection and zinc alloy coating. Carbon black resistive reducer has low resistivity and good resistance reduction effect, but its corrosiveness is greatly affected by its own structure and grounding material structure. When it can be closely combined with the grounding material, it can isolate the corrosion medium from the earthing body and reduce the corrosion, but when the combination is loose, it will cause accelerated corrosion. Bentonite resistance reducing agent not only has good resistance reduction effect, but also has a low corrosion rate. The corrosion rate of carbon steel coated with bentonite can be reduced to 1.1950g/dm2 a, and the pitting corrosion is light. Cathodic protection can prevent pitting, especially for organic coating materials. However, the protective potential should not be too negative to prevent serious cathodic hydrogen evolution. The cathodic protection of sacrificial anode is suitable for anticorrosion of small earth net, and the protective degree can reach about 70. The applied current cathodic protection method can be used for anticorrosion of large earth net, and the actual protection degree can reach 80%.


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