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发布时间:2019-02-19 08:33
[Abstract]:With the increasing scale of power grid and more nodes, people pay more and more attention to the security and stability of power system. After transient instability is caused by power system fault, if the corresponding control measures are not taken in time, they may develop into cascading faults and eventually lead to blackout. The current transient stability analysis methods include numerical integration method, direct method and artificial intelligence method. These methods have some shortcomings in speed and accuracy. The control measures against blackouts include preventive control, emergency control and recovery control. Emergency control refers to the control measures taken to prevent power system instability or power outage after power system failure. The current transient stability analysis method and the emergency control machine cutting algorithm have some shortcomings in terms of speed and accuracy. It is urgent to put forward a new method which can overcome the heavy workload of transient stability analysis and the tedious calculation of the emergency control cutting machine. Therefore, the study of power system transient stability real-time emergency control has important theoretical significance and extensive practical value. Firstly, a new critical cluster selection method is proposed to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional critical cluster selection methods in terms of accuracy. Combined with the real-time measurement technology of PMU, the complex power angle variation criterion composed of the rotor angular velocity of generator and the unbalanced power of generator is used to screen the critical cluster. The advantages of this method compared with the traditional screening method are verified by simulation. Secondly, a novel transient stability analysis method based on the rotor angle of a single generator set is proposed to overcome the inefficiency of the time group equivalent in transient stability analysis. By analyzing and comparing the stability margin of critical cluster equivalent machines based on SGEAC and single equivalent machines based on EEAC, a new method of transient stability analysis is proposed in this paper. The correctness of the method is verified by simulation. Thirdly, in view of the disadvantages of single machine equal area method in the calculation of cutting machine quantity, a new algorithm of cutting machine quantity is proposed in this paper. By comparing and analyzing the energy of the critical cluster equivalent machine based on SGEAC and the single equivalent machine based on EEAC, the kinetic energy in the energy balance relationship is improved in this paper. Based on the acceleration area of the critical cluster of machines from the fault to the cutting time, a new method for calculating the cutting capacity is presented in this paper. Finally, in view of the chaotic situation of cutting machine combination scheme, a practical cutting machine combination scheme is proposed in this paper. Based on the selection of critical cluster, transient stability analysis and emergency control cutting machine, the transient stability real-time emergency control simulation based on PSASP is completed in New England 10-machine 39-bus system, which verifies the correctness of the proposed scheme.


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