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发布时间:2019-02-20 21:31
【摘要】:随着工业的发展,电力电子变流器在工业领域所占比重越来越大。人们一方面希望电力电子变流器的容量更大,另一方面要求它具有高功率密度和高可靠性。本文针对这个问题,以大功率交直交PWM变流器为研究对象,通过理论分析、仿真和实验等研究方法,分析了变流器的电磁能量变换过程,深入研究了变流器直流储能与外部能量的交换规律。首先,基于两电平PWM电压源型逆变器和二极管整流器的稳态能量变换过程分析,探讨了电网和不同功率因数的负载通过变流器传递能量的实际流向,归纳了直流储能的波动规律。量化分析了纯无功负载下逆变器和DCM模式下二极管整流器两类情况下系统运行参数与直流储能波动之间的关系,研究了两电平电压源逆变器和两电平二极管整流交直交变流器直流储能滤波电容容值与系统运行参数之间的定量关系,进而确立直流电容参数设计的约束条件。然后,研究了三电平NPC逆变器直流储能稳态时的波动规律及其与系统运行参数的定量关系,进一步研究了稳态下交流侧两边的频率关系、直流侧输入输出功率的相位差对三电平NPC背靠背变流器直流储能波动的影响。建立了三电平NPC背靠背变流器动态瞬时能量平衡的数学模型,分析了输出功率阶跃变化的动态能量平衡过程,提出其直流储能波动的理论最小值。提出了三电平NPC变流器直流储能电容的设计准则。另外,分析了三电平级联H桥变流器直流储能稳态时的波动规律及其与系统运行参数的定量关系,提出了三电平级联H桥变流器直流储能电容的设计准则,并对级联H桥拓扑与NPC拓扑的直流储能电容设计进行了对比。最后,推导了稳态时五电平NPC/H桥变流器直流储能波动与系统运行参数的定量关系,通过仿真验证了功率因数、输出频率、输出电流幅值等对能量变换的影响,提出了五电平NPC/H桥变流器直流储能电容的设计准则,并指导20MW五电平超大功率NPC /H桥变频器样机的直流电容选型,通过样机实验验证了理论分析的正确性和设计选型的合理性。
[Abstract]:With the development of industry, power electronic converter accounts for more and more in the industrial field. On the one hand, the power electronic converter is expected to have larger capacity, on the other hand, it is required to have high power density and high reliability. In order to solve this problem, the electromagnetic energy conversion process of high power AC DC PWM converter is analyzed by theoretical analysis, simulation and experiment. The exchange law between DC energy storage and external energy of converter is studied in depth. Firstly, based on the analysis of steady-state energy conversion process of two-level PWM voltage source inverter and diode rectifier, the actual direction of energy transfer from power grid and load with different power factor through converter is discussed. The fluctuation law of DC energy storage is summarized. The relationship between system operating parameters and DC energy storage fluctuation under pure reactive load and diode rectifier in DCM mode is analyzed quantitatively. The quantitative relationship between the capacitance capacity of the DC energy storage filter and the operating parameters of the two-level voltage source inverter and the two-level diode rectifier AC / DC converter is studied, and the constraint conditions for the design of the DC capacitance parameters are established. Then, the fluctuation law of DC energy storage steady state of three-level NPC inverter and its quantitative relationship with system operating parameters are studied, and the frequency relationship between the two sides of AC side under steady state is further studied. Effect of Phase difference of DC input and output Power on DC Energy Storage fluctuation of Three-level NPC back-to-back Converter. A mathematical model of dynamic instantaneous energy balance of three-level NPC back-to-back converter is established. The dynamic energy balance process of output power step variation is analyzed and the theoretical minimum of DC energy storage fluctuation is proposed. The design criterion of DC energy storage capacitor for three level NPC converter is presented. In addition, the fluctuation law of DC energy storage steady state of three-level cascaded H-bridge converter and its quantitative relationship with system operating parameters are analyzed, and the design criteria of DC energy storage capacitance of three-level cascaded H-bridge converter are proposed. The design of DC energy storage capacitor between cascaded H bridge topology and NPC topology is compared. Finally, the quantitative relationship between DC energy storage fluctuation and system operating parameters of five-level NPC/H converter in steady state is deduced. The effects of power factor, output frequency and output current amplitude on energy conversion are verified by simulation. The design criterion of DC energy storage capacitor of five-level NPC/H converter is proposed, and the DC capacitance selection of 20MW five-level super-large power NPC / H bridge converter prototype is given. The correctness of the theoretical analysis and the rationality of the design selection are verified by the prototype experiment.


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