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发布时间:2019-02-27 17:06
[Abstract]:DC distribution system is beneficial to distributed power supply and DC load access. It has the characteristics of high power quality, high transmission capacity and low economic cost. It can greatly promote the development of DC home appliances and DC ecological housing. Is regarded as the future distribution field development direction. This paper introduces the research background, present situation and development trend of protection and control technology in DC distribution system, and probes into the related problems in the field of protection and control technology in DC distribution system. In DC distribution system, power electronic device is the key link of the system, connecting power supply, line and load. First of all, according to the actual engineering needs of DC distribution system, this paper explores and gives the principle of DC distribution system equipment selection; secondly, the operating characteristics of power electronic devices determine the fault characteristics of the system. Scientific fault analysis is the basis of the development of protection technology. In this paper, the focus of fault analysis is the most serious fault of DC distribution system, that is, DC inter-pole short circuit fault, and according to the different working state and fault location of power electronic devices, The fault transient is divided into four stages, and through the establishment of equivalent circuit, a rigorous theoretical analysis of the inter-pole short circuit fault of DC system is carried out. Finally, based on the analysis of inter-pole short circuit fault, the fast protection and segmented current protection of DC distribution system are proposed. Based on the electromagnetic simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC, the DC distribution system model is built, and the fault analysis method is verified by short circuit fault simulation in different locations of VSC outlet lines. The simulation data are analyzed by Matlab to verify the rapidity and reliability of the proposed two kinds of protection.


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