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发布时间:2019-03-02 11:38
[Abstract]:Distributed power generation is a small-scale, distributed near the load generation equipment, can achieve reliable, economic, efficient generation. It has many advantages, such as small scale, small area, reliable, clean and environmental protection and short construction cycle, and has been widely studied and applied in the world. The widespread application of distributed generation solves some problems in traditional power systems, but also brings some new problems. Firstly, the influence of distributed generation on power quality of distribution network is analyzed. This paper introduces the basic functions and characteristics of power quality analysis software PCFLO in power system. According to the characteristics of grid-connected technology of distributed generation, it is divided into two types: direct grid-connected and power electronic inverter. Two kinds of distributed grid-connected power generation with different grid-connected technologies are simulated and analyzed by software PCFLO. The influence of the access point on the power quality of the system at the same time. Secondly, the influence of distributed power generation on the system protection device is studied. The typical three-stage protection configuration and setting principle of distribution system in China are introduced. The models of distribution network and distributed power generation are established in the simulation software MATLAB/Simulink. The influence of different locations of distributed generation on the protection device of the system is simulated and analyzed. Finally, the grid-connected system of Lianyungang Datang Xinpu photovoltaic power station is designed, including primary system, relay protection and safety automatic device, system dispatching automation and system communication link design. Moreover, the safe and stable operation of the photovoltaic power station verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the design.


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