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发布时间:2019-03-04 14:41
[Abstract]:Overhead transmission line is an important part of electric energy transmission in power grid. It is necessary to ensure the safe and stable operation of transmission line. However, in recent years, the overhead transmission line in the domestic and foreign power industry has suffered many serious ice disaster accidents. It has brought harm to the safe operation of the power grid, which will cause large-scale blackout and make the power grid difficult to recover. In order to predict the ice-coating situation of transmission lines, the trend of wire ice-coating can be understood in time and early-warning can be given, which can effectively prevent serious ice-coating accidents and provide the basis for anti-icing and de-icing of transmission lines. In this paper, the conditions, mechanism and process of ice-coating on transmission lines are described firstly, the ice-coating of transmission lines is classified, and the factors that affect the ice-coating of transmission lines are comprehensively analyzed. At the same time, the commonly used measures of anti-icing and de-icing of conductors are also expounded. The influence factors of the transmission line are used to predict the icing of the transmission line, and the historical data of the influencing factors of the transmission line are taken as the input of the prediction model. Firstly, RBF neural network and support vector machine (SVM) model are used to predict icing of transmission lines. The results show that the prediction accuracy of support vector machine is higher than that of RBF neural network. The penalty parameters and kernel parameters in support vector machine have great influence on the accuracy of the algorithm. Genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are used to optimize the penalty parameters and kernel parameters. At the same time, the crossover probability and mutation probability of genetic algorithm affect the optimization ability, the inertia factor and acceleration factor of particle swarm optimization algorithm affect the optimization ability, and the parameters of the two algorithms are improved. The improved algorithm is used to optimize the penalty parameters and kernel parameters in the SVM, and the optimized SVM is used to predict the wire icing. The results show that the prediction time and the prediction precision are increased after the optimization. The optimization time based on the improved genetic algorithm is the least, and the prediction time based on the genetic particle swarm optimization algorithm is the longest, and the prediction precision of the improved genetic algorithm and the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is about the same as that of the improved genetic algorithm and the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. The prediction accuracy based on genetic particle swarm optimization algorithm is the highest. From the result of line icing prediction, it can be seen that support vector machine has better prediction ability than neural network in small historical data sample, and is more suitable to deal with small sample problem. At the same time, support vector machine is optimized by using optimization measures. The complexity of prediction algorithm is increased and the accuracy of ice thickness prediction is improved.


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