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发布时间:2019-03-19 11:13
[Abstract]:With the progress of science and technology and the continuous development of the electric power industry, the society has entered a new era of informatization, economization and globalization, and people's demand for the quality of electricity in the electric power industry is also getting higher and higher. In order to realize more demands, the scientific management and control of electric power engineering design must be improved. In the process of electric power engineering design, project time management plays an important role. Starting with the relevant basic theory of time management in modern engineering projects and combining with the case of electric power engineering project, this paper makes a deep analysis and research on the project time management of electric power engineering. In view of the lack of perfect methods of project time management and project schedule planning in the process of case time management, there is no effective management and control of the progress plan of the survey design process. There are many problems, such as not implementing the revision and change in the survey design project, using any scientific incentives to promote the task within a given time frame, and so on. The network plan chart and Gantt chart are combined to study the time management of the project, and the reasonable schedule plan of the electric power project is put forward, the schedule plan of the design project is controlled effectively, and the change management of the project schedule is considered. Combining project time management with human resources management in order to eliminate the unfavorable factors in the process of time management, in order to effectively promote the project management staff in the power engineering industry to pay more attention to time management analysis, At the same time, the overall schedule of the project can be drawn up more comprehensively, in order to carry out the most effective, comprehensive and scientific time management of the electric power project.


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