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发布时间:2019-03-21 07:08
[Abstract]:China began to build nuclear power in 1984. After 29 years of development, the development of nuclear power in China has made great achievements. Fifteen nuclear power units have been built and put into operation, making the installed capacity reach 12.5 million kilowatts. In order to promote the further development of the nuclear power industry, the Development and Reform Commission has drawn up the medium-and long-term Development Plan for Nuclear Power (2005-2020), and has been strongly supported and approved by the State Council, in accordance with the plan, China's nuclear power plant is expected to reach a total installed capacity of 40 million kilowatts by 2020 and 18 million kilowatts of installed capacity. However, the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the three Mile Island nuclear accident in the United States and the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union have also brought us a warning. With the development of nuclear energy, the establishment and perfection of the nuclear accident prevention mechanism is becoming more and more important. Nuclear accident prevention mechanism is a kind of emergency action which is different from normal working procedure or normal order in order to eliminate radiation accident or nuclear accident fundamentally. The preventive mechanism of nuclear accidents can study and predict nuclear accidents in advance, and take corresponding measures to avoid accidents as far as possible. The basic steps are to adopt advanced technology, establish models, establish evaluation criteria according to the priorities of accidents, use some steps and methods, sort out different types of treatment, and prevent the development and deterioration of the crisis. The prevention mechanism of nuclear accident in our country is not mature. Under the environment of developing nuclear power industry in our country, how to prevent the occurrence of nuclear accident has become an urgent task, and the establishment of nuclear accident prevention mechanism is becoming more and more urgent. Through a comprehensive analysis of the causes of the three Mile Island nuclear accident, the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the Fukushima nuclear accident, and the enlightenment to the improvement of the prevention mechanism of the nuclear accident in China, This paper summarizes the present situation of the nuclear accident prevention mechanism in China from the perspective of public crisis management, and points out the problems existing in the nuclear accident prevention mechanism in China. Then, through the literature investigation, the author finds out all kinds of factors that cause the nuclear accident prevention mechanism of our country to be imperfect, and puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the nuclear accident prevention mechanism of our country. After investigation and statistics, it is found that the legal system of nuclear accident prevention mechanism in China is incomplete, the operation mechanism is not perfect, the organization and supervision is not in place, the scale and ability of supervision team is insufficient, the ability of information supervision and public participation is not enough. Public awareness of nuclear accident prevention is weak and so on. The imperfect preventive mechanism of nuclear accident in China is mainly caused by three factors, such as system, management and sociality. Finally, it is suggested that the following measures should be taken to improve the prevention mechanism of nuclear accidents in China: drawing lessons from the experience of nuclear accident prevention in France, the United States and South Korea; establishing and perfecting the legal mechanism of nuclear accident prevention; perfecting the operation mechanism of nuclear power plants; We should give full play to the role of organization and supervision, strengthen the construction of the emergency system and contingent of nuclear accident prevention, strengthen the mechanism of public information communication, and improve the public awareness of nuclear accident prevention.


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