发布时间:2019-03-21 13:17
【摘要】:太阳能热发电是解决当前能源枯竭和环境污染的一种有效途径和方法,在国外欧美地区得到了快速发展,正处于商业化成长期。随着建设资源节约、环境友好型社会目标的提出,我国也将进入一个太阳能热发电的发展时期。槽式太阳能热发电是目前技术最成熟、商业化程度最高的电站,世界上大部分的槽式太阳能热发电站广泛采用导热油作为传热工质,导热油会在12℃凝固。与国外太阳能热发电站的厂址环境相比,我国适宜建太阳能热发电站的地区环境温度更低,风速更大,特别是冬季夜间和阴雨天,导热油传输系统散热损失尤其的大,若导热油凝固,会影响整个电站的运行安全性。因此,研究槽式太阳能热发电站导热油传输系统的防凝具有重要的工程实用价值。 本文基于50MW槽式太阳能热发电站典型集热系统和我国即将建设的某50MW槽式太阳能热发电站建设地典型年的实际天气条件,确立了机组运行工况的时间样本模型。在此基础上,基于能量守恒原理、工质状态方程和传热方程,建立了槽式太阳能热发电导热油传输系统的数学模型,提出了导热油传输系统散热损失的计算方法。 根据槽式太阳能热发电导热油传输系统的工作原理,确立了导热油传输系统的防凝模式,并基于导热油传输系统传统保温(岩棉保温层)和真空传输管保温两种方案,分析了导热油传输系统在不同防凝模式下的散热损失,得到了不同季节较佳的防凝系统运行模式,同时定量分析了真空传输管保温方案的经济性。论文结论对槽式太阳能热发电导热油传输系统回路的设计、运行和控制策略的选取有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Solar thermal power generation is an effective way and method to solve the problem of energy depletion and environmental pollution. It has been developed rapidly in Europe and the United States and is being commercialized for a long time. With the development of resource-saving and environment-friendly society, China will enter a developing period of solar thermal power generation. Trough solar thermal power generation is the most mature and commercialized power station at present. Heat conduction oil is widely used as heat transfer medium in most of the world's trough solar thermal power plants, and the heat conduction oil will solidify at 12 鈩,
[Abstract]:Solar thermal power generation is an effective way and method to solve the problem of energy depletion and environmental pollution. It has been developed rapidly in Europe and the United States and is being commercialized for a long time. With the development of resource-saving and environment-friendly society, China will enter a developing period of solar thermal power generation. Trough solar thermal power generation is the most mature and commercialized power station at present. Heat conduction oil is widely used as heat transfer medium in most of the world's trough solar thermal power plants, and the heat conduction oil will solidify at 12 鈩,