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发布时间:2019-03-27 06:56
[Abstract]:The conventional SVPWM algorithm requires many complex coordinate transformations and involves a large number of floating-point multiplication operations, which increases the operation load of the controller and takes up more memory space. In order to solve this problem, a fast SVPWM method is proposed, in which the basic voltage vector is transferred to a special position by means of compression change, and then the sector can be judged by the symbol and size of the two components transformed by the voltage vector. There is no need for other mathematical operations; At the same time, the special rule of SVPWM three-phase duty cycle calculation in 7 segments of bilateral symmetry is found. Six fans are divided into three groups, and the two sectors of each group have the same operation rules. Based on the discovery, a concise sector criterion is proposed. By judging only the group to which the vector belongs, the three-phase duty cycle can be obtained directly from the result of the criterion, which further simplifies the algorithm and reduces the computational complexity and the length of the program code. The feasibility of the algorithm is verified by simulation. At the same time, the experiment is carried out on the permanent magnet motor experiment platform with DSP as the control core. The experimental results show that the fast SVPWM algorithm on floating-point DSP platform improves the operation speed by 38%, reduces the memory space occupied by program code, and saves 45 bytes of memory space.
【作者单位】: 北京科技大学机械工程学院;
【基金】:中国博士后基金(2013M530523) 国家自然科学基金(51204017) 北京市重点学科建设项目(HK100080429)


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