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发布时间:2019-03-29 12:36
[Abstract]:XLPE power cables are widely used in underground transmission and distribution networks due to their superior electrical and mechanical properties. However, the accumulation of space charges in polymer materials such as XLPE will cause local field strength distortion and seriously affect their insulation properties. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the distribution of space charges in these insulating media. At present, the electro-acoustic pulse method (PEA) is the most widely used method in the measurement of space charge, and it can be used to measure the space charge distribution in sliced solid and cable body samples. However, it is an important problem that how to calculate the accurate distribution of the space charge in the sample according to the voltage signal measured by PEA. Based on the XLPE cable PEA test system, this paper analyzes the influence of space charge test signal from two aspects: the hardware circuit and the propagation characteristic of acoustic wave in the medium of the PEA system. The former includes the signal overshoot caused by the frequency response of the hardware circuit, and the signal overshoot caused by the frequency response of the hardware circuit. Changes in the performance of piezoelectric sensors and magnifiers under temperature gradient fields, which include dielectric friction damping and attenuation dispersion of acoustic pulses formed by acoustic radiation shapes. The variation of propagation velocity and amplitude of acoustic pulse in XLPE insulation under temperature gradient field. In these factors, aiming at the part that can influence the space charge quantity and the distribution judgment, this paper puts forward the method of restoring the space charge test waveform, and develops a set of PEA test signal processing program based on XLPE cable. The program mainly includes three modules. The signal overshoot recovery module, attenuation recovery module and unit correction module are respectively tested. The over-impulse recovery adopts deconvolution technology in frequency domain, and the ill-conditioned problem in deconvolution is constrained by Gao Si function. The attenuation recovery module consists of three branches. For slice sample, XLPE cable body and XLPE cable body under temperature gradient field, the validity of the program is analyzed and verified by an example. It provides the basis of data analysis for the study of aging characteristics of insulating materials such as XLPE by space charge.


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