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发布时间:2019-04-01 18:57
[Abstract]:Automatic switching apparatus (ATSE) acts as an emergency power supply executing element in transmission and distribution system, which makes the power supply automatically switch to another fault-free power supply after one power supply fails, and ensures the continuity of important loads. Reliable operation. Among them, PC ATSE is a special switch with dual power conversion, which has been widely used. At present, the intelligent controller of PC grade products designed and produced by ATSE manufacturers at home and abroad has the function of non-optimal line selection, but in the application of some places that do not allow power to be cut off and have considerable requirements for the quality of power supply, It is necessary to select the optimal power supply for the two-way power supply. When the lower load is an important and valuable equipment, it is necessary to protect the load from overcurrent inverse time in a certain range, so as to prevent the equipment failure from expanding. In this paper, a new intelligent controller of PC-level ATSE is designed, which makes ATSE have common functions, and by adding the function of controller, the selection of two power supply sources can be realized, and the over-current inverse time-limit protection can be realized to the lower load. And the whole control circuit is optimized to enhance the anti-electromagnetic interference ability of the controller. (1) by monitoring the harmonics in the parameters of the common standby power supply, The power quality of the two power supply sources is compared in a period of time. Firstly, the parameters are sampled and the Fourier transform (FFT) is used to detect and analyze the harmonics of the power supply line. The optimal power supply is calculated by THD, and the corresponding control circuit and control program are designed. (2) by sampling the load current, the controller monitors the current fluctuation of the load, and the current fluctuation of the load is monitored by the controller, and the current fluctuation of the load is monitored by the controller. The operating time limit value of inverse time limit protection is stored in the program memory EPROM of the controller by using the mathematical model of the characteristic curve of the inverse time limit over current protection of a microcomputer. The overcurrent protection of the load is implemented by the controller program. (3) due to the addition of the function of the intelligent controller of PC ATSE, the corresponding control circuit will also be increased, which makes the control circuit of the whole intelligent controller more complicated. By optimizing the design of the whole circuit wiring and adding the corresponding electronic components to improve the anti-jamming ability, the EMC test of the whole intelligent controller is carried out, so that it can meet the requirements of the corresponding national standards. The new PC-grade ATSE intelligent controller designed in this paper adds the function of the intelligent controller used in the current market, which makes the switching apparatus have the function of selecting the power supply line optimally. The function of inverse time-limit over-current protection strengthens the protection of important places and important equipment. This new intelligent controller has more powerful control function, it satisfies the market demand, fills the market gap, and will have a wide application prospect.


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