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发布时间:2019-04-17 21:10
【摘要】:自2003年《可再生能源法》颁布以来,我国生物质发电产业经过近十年的持续发展已取得了显著成绩,但是,由于生产技术不发达,生产效率低下等原因,生物质电厂燃料需求量大。电厂燃料料仓存储容量有限,为了保证燃料的正常供应,电厂一般在周边建设收购站收集和存储一定的生物质燃料。电厂每日按照生产和内部库存需求从收购站调配一定数量的生物质进厂。电厂的平稳、经济运行有赖于生物质燃料的及时、安全运输。但是,目前国内在生物质电厂燃料物流运输系统规划方面的研究和实践大多都以经验为主,并没有系统的解决由谁来运、怎样运输的问题。国外一般采用大规模批量运输的方式,与我国实际情况不符,虽然具有一定的借鉴意义,但不能完全应用到我国生物质电厂中去。为此,本文根据我国生物质电厂燃料实际物流运输情况,建立了一套完整的运输系统规划模型。 首先,在分析电厂现有物流运输服务模式——自营运输和外包运输——的基础上,考虑到电厂存在燃料生物质旺季和淡季运输任务量不同的情况,提出采用自营运输与外包运输相结合的运输方式。利用成本净现值分析法,从电厂长期资金使用角度,比较不同运输服务模式下成本净现值的大小,选择成本净现值最低的运输服务模式。 其次,针对生物质收购站-电厂之间运输道路网络的多种可选择性,构建多目标规划模型,综合考虑成本和时间因素对运输路线选择的影响,得到最优运输路线。 再次,在确定电厂运输服务模式和运输路线的基础上,构建电厂物流运输系统Extendsim仿真模型,模拟收购站-电厂燃料物流运输流程,以可变物流成本最低为目标,优化收购站和电厂厂内物流设备配置和车辆调度,使设备和车辆达到最优的配合。 最后,以某2*12MW的生物质电厂为例进行运输系统规划实证研究。利用成本净现值分析得出淡季自营运输,,旺季自营运输和完全外包运输相结合的运输服务模式。以自营运输和完全外包运输时的可变物流成本最低为目标,求得淡季和旺季时收购站和电厂最优的设备配置和车辆调度方案,分别将淡季和旺季时的可变物流成本减少了7.22%和2.32%。
[Abstract]:Since the promulgation of the Renewable Energy Law in 2003, the biomass power generation industry in China has achieved remarkable achievements after nearly ten years of sustainable development. However, due to the underdeveloped production technology and the low production efficiency, the biomass power generation industry in China has achieved remarkable achievements in the past ten years. Biomass power plants require a great deal of fuel. The storage capacity of fuel silos in power plants is limited. In order to ensure the normal supply of fuel, the power plants usually build and purchase stations to collect and store a certain amount of biomass fuel. Plant daily according to production and internal inventory requirements from the acquisition station to deploy a certain amount of biomass into the plant. The stable and economical operation of the power plant depends on the timely and safe transportation of biomass fuel. However, at present, most of the domestic research and practice on the fuel logistics and transportation system planning of biomass power plants are mainly based on experience, and there is no systematic solution to the problem of who will transport it and how to transport it. Large-scale bulk transportation is generally adopted in foreign countries, which is not in conformity with the actual situation in China. Although it has certain reference significance, it can not be fully applied to biomass power plants in China. Therefore, according to the actual logistics and transportation situation of biomass power plant fuel in China, a complete transportation system planning model is established in this paper. First, on the basis of an analysis of the existing modes of logistics and transportation services for power plants-self-employed and outsourced-and taking into account the existence of fuel, biomass, peak and off-season transport tasks in power plants, The combination of self-service transportation and outsourcing transportation is put forward. Based on the analysis of cost net present value (NPV), this paper compares the size of NPV under different transport service modes from the point of view of long-term capital use in power plants, and selects the transport service mode with lowest NPV. Secondly, a multi-objective programming model is constructed for the multiple options of transportation road network between biomass acquisition stations and power plants. The optimal transportation route is obtained by considering the influence of cost and time factors on the transportation route selection, and the optimal transportation route is obtained by considering the influence of the cost and time factors on the transportation route selection. Thirdly, on the basis of determining the transportation service mode and transportation route of the power plant, the Extendsim simulation model of the power plant logistics and transportation system is constructed to simulate the fuel logistics transportation process from the acquisition station to the power plant, aiming at the lowest variable logistics cost. Optimize the distribution of logistics equipment and vehicle scheduling in purchase stations and power plants to achieve optimal coordination between equipment and vehicles. Finally, taking a biomass power plant of 2*12MW as an example, an empirical study on transportation system planning is carried out. Based on the analysis of net present value (NPV) of cost, the mode of transportation service combined with off-season self-service transportation, peak season self-service transport and fully outsourced transportation is obtained. Aiming at the lowest variable logistics cost for self-service transportation and fully outsourced transportation, the optimal equipment configuration and vehicle scheduling scheme for acquisition stations and power plants in off-season and peak season are obtained. Variable logistics costs during the off-season and peak seasons were reduced by 7.22% and 2.32%, respectively.


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