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发布时间:2019-04-19 08:52
[Abstract]:Micro-piezoelectric wind energy collection technology is a new research direction in the field of micro-energy, which provides a new idea and method for the power supply of micro-and low-power devices, and has great application potential and research value. However, the existing micro-piezoelectric wind energy collector has complex structure, low output voltage, low power density and low energy collection efficiency. In order to overcome the problems existing in the existing piezoelectric wind energy collector, based on the piezoelectric principle and wind-induced vibration mechanism, based on the wake vibration, vortex-induced vibration and galloping vibration, the structure of three single-degree-of-freedom wind energy collectors is presented. In this paper, two new types of two-degree-of-freedom micro-piezoelectric wind energy collectors, namely galloping-wake wind energy collector and galloping-vortex coupled wind energy collector, are proposed. They can be used in low wind speed environment. It can make full use of the Karman vortex street in the wake, and has the advantages of simple structure, compact structure and easy realization. The theoretical models of two new two-degree-of-freedom collectors are established, and the simulation and theoretical analysis are carried out. The experimental platform is set up and the collector prototype of five kinds of structures, including wake vibration, vortex-induced vibration, flutter-wake, galloping-vortex-excited structure coupling, is fabricated, and the prototype is tested experimentally. Finally, the effects of wind speed, mass block area and the length of inner beam on the output voltage of the wind energy collector with these five structures are compared. The experimental results and comprehensive analysis show that the output voltage of vortex-induced vibration wind energy collector is higher than that of wake vibration wind energy collector in single-degree-of-freedom wind energy collector. Two new two-degree-of-freedom wind energy collectors (galloping-wake collector and flashover-vortex coupled collector) are compared with three kinds of single-degree-of-freedom wind energy collectors (wake collector, vortex-induced vibration collector, galloping collector), and two new wind energy collectors with two degrees of freedom (galloping-wake collector and flashover-vortex-excited structure coupling collector) are proposed. The output voltage is obviously increased; In two new two-degree-of-freedom collectors, the output voltage of the coupled flashover-vortex-excited collector is higher than that of the flashover-wake collector, so the performance of the five wind energy collectors is the best. In addition, the results show that when the length of the external beam is fixed, the output voltage of the two-degree-of-freedom collector structures can be further improved by adjusting the length of the inner beam and the area of the end mass block.


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