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发布时间:2019-04-20 17:24
[Abstract]:In recent years, a large number of reactive load and nonlinear load increase, resulting in the system power factor reduction and serious harmonic pollution, greatly deteriorated the quality of power supply, and caused adverse effects on the safe and economic operation of distribution network. The static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM) used in distribution network has many advantages, such as low loss, wide operating range, strong regulating ability, and can realize the multiple functions such as dynamic reactive power compensation, harmonic suppression and compensation for three-phase asymmetrical current at the same time. In recent years, D-STATCOM has become a research hotspot in power quality control field. The compensation current of D-DC is produced by the difference between the DC capacitor voltage and the AC side voltage, which acts on the inductor. Therefore, the stability of DC side voltage largely determines the current tracking ability and compensation effect of D-STATCOM. In this paper, the working principle, topology, instruction current detection and compensation current control of D-STATCOM are introduced. Firstly, aiming at the phenomenon that conventional PI control of DC-side voltage loop can easily cause overshoot of device voltage and inrush current of start-up, a soft-start mode is designed to reduce the impact of D-STATCOM on distribution network when it is put into operation. Secondly, in view of the fact that the conventional PI control requires high accuracy and poor robustness to the mathematical model of the system, a fuzzy PI control strategy is proposed, which can adjust the control parameters in real time according to the operation of the DC side voltage. The voltage fluctuation of the DC side is reduced effectively, and the compensation performance of the device is guaranteed. Finally, this paper deduces the mathematical model and gives a set of reasonable design ideas of the main circuit parameters, which provides some reference for the practical design of D-STATCOM. The simulation model of D-STATCOM is built by using MATLAB/SIMULINK, and the traditional PI strategy and the new fuzzy PI control strategy are compared and analyzed. The results show that the new control strategy can effectively stabilize the DC voltage of D-STATCOM under both steady and transient conditions. The compensation effect of current harmonic, reactive power and unbalance is improved compared with the traditional control strategy. Combined with the main circuit design thought proposed in this paper, we choose reasonable electrical components, design device control system, IGBT switch element dead zone, drive and buffer circuit, etc. Based on DSP, the main program of the device and the subroutine of the detection and control function are designed. A three-phase four-leg D-STATCOM prototype with the capacity of 10KVA is developed, and the proposed control strategy is tested on the prototype. The experimental results further show that the new control strategy can effectively stabilize the DC voltage and improve the compensation effect of D-STATCOM. Finally, the prototype is applied to a certain enterprise.


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