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发布时间:2019-04-21 17:04
[Abstract]:The research of distribution network fault location has always been one of the important issues in power system. With distributed power generation (!) With the development of technology, the trend of grid connection between distributed power supply (") and conventional power system is becoming more and more obvious." Distributed generation (!) After connecting to the distribution network, the distribution network changes from a single-source radial network to a complex multi-source power supply network, which makes the feeder protection of distribution network automation based on feeder terminal unit (#) more complex and the fault location scheme more complicated To adapt to the change of distribution network structure, the problem of distribution system fault location with distributed power supply will be a great challenge. Yeah, Ham! The study of distribution network fault location is helpful to restore power supply as soon as possible, reduce the loss of power outages, and has important application value. This article addresses the existing include! Distribution network fault location method deficiencies, including! The precise fault location method of distribution network is studied, and a nonlinear impedance model based on the randomness of measured data, the nonlinearity of grounding resistance and the nonlinear impedance model of network load is proposed. A new fault location method for distribution network. In this paper, the complex correlation Thevenin equivalent method and strong tracking filter are used to obtain the main power supply and each power source of the system. The three-phase impedance equivalent model of the system is established, considering the load nonlinearity, and the three-phase asymmetric impedance model of the system is established. Secondly, analyze and extract the content! The fault characteristics under the three-phase asymmetrical impedance model of distribution network are analyzed, and the fault interval is determined according to the fault eigenvalues of each node. Finally, on the basis of the three-phase asymmetric impedance model and the fault interval obtained in this paper, the fault distance and fault line are taken as variables, and the fault eigenvalue of the fault node is taken as the fitness function. The parameter adaptive differential evolution algorithm is used to search the fault conditions automatically, and the fault distance with the smallest fault eigenvalues is found to be the accurate fault location result. In this paper, the nonlinear impedance model based on the inclusion! The fault location method of distribution network can overcome the error caused by the uncertainty of measurement data, and the three-phase impedance model of the system is more consistent with the actual distribution network model. The simulation results show that the proposed method has the advantages of high ranging accuracy, strong robustness and fast computing speed. It is suitable for any cable line and overhead line. Fast fault location of distribution network.


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