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发布时间:2019-04-25 16:03
[Abstract]:High-voltage capacitive equipment is an important part of power system, including capacitive high-voltage casing, current transformer, capacitive voltage transformer, coupling capacitor and so on. Their reliability directly affects the safety of power network operation. The on-line monitoring of capacitive equipment can monitor the state information of equipment at any time, which provides the basis for the evaluation of equipment condition and the formulation of maintenance strategy. However, it also raises the question whether the reliability of on-line monitoring and the accuracy of testing are sufficient. Is there interference resulting in misreporting and misreporting? Is there any way to eliminate interference? All of these will affect the maintenance personnel's judgment on the operation of the equipment and the application of on-line monitoring system in fault analysis. This paper focuses on the above-mentioned problems. Firstly, the background and significance of on-line monitoring of electrical equipment are expounded. By consulting the data, the research status of on-line monitoring of electrical equipment at home and abroad and the problems existing in the process of practical implementation are deeply understood. Then, starting from the structure of on-line monitoring device of capacitance-type equipment in substation, we are familiar with the composition and function of on-line monitoring system in Fuzhou area, from the voltage monitoring unit and capacitive high-voltage equipment monitoring unit, The advantages and disadvantages of the system are excavated from several aspects such as capacitive equipment detection unit and environmental monitoring unit. In this paper, we understand the structure and usage of OMDS system, analyze the factors that may affect the monitoring data in the system, and put forward the solution, that is, the live test of relative value method is used as a supplement to the on-line monitoring system. Then, through simulation test and field test, the author verifies the validity of the relative value method and the stability of the data, and clarifies its role in fault analysis and diagnosis. Through examples of typical fault cases of capacitive equipment, this paper expounds the train of thought of comprehensive application of on-line monitoring system, relative value method of live test and years of blackout data to analyze and diagnose the fault of equipment, and puts forward the corresponding data analysis method. Finally, the paper summarizes the relative value of live test in Fuzhou area.


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