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发布时间:2019-04-25 18:36
[Abstract]:Since the 21 ~ (st) century, the electric power industry in our country has developed rapidly, and the demand for the quality and reliability of power supply is increasing day by day. Distribution network is an important link between power users and power generation and transmission. If its fault occurs, it will lead to the local power loss of the distribution network, and even more, it will lead to the power loss of the whole network. Single-phase grounding fault accounts for 60% or more of the total fault in China's distribution network system, and the accurate and rapid line selection and location of single-phase grounding fault can effectively shorten the blackout time and reduce the manpower consumption, and the fault line selection and location of the single-phase grounding fault can effectively shorten the blackout time and reduce manpower consumption. It has important practical significance, and it is also one of the research directions of electric power department and scientific research workers. Based on the analysis of transient characteristics of single-phase earthing fault in distribution network, this paper studies the characteristics of transient zero-sequence current section of small-current single-phase grounding fault in distribution network. Combined with the different direction of current sudden change on both sides of the fault point and the strong ability of wavelet transform to identify singular signals, a fault section discrimination method using modulus polarity of wavelet transform is proposed. The PSCAD/EMTDC simulation software is used to simulate and analyze the complex distribution network. The results show that this method can realize the location of fault section well. In fault location, because the fault information of small current in distribution network is weak, the locating method based on single fault information is easy to be influenced by external factors, so the zero sequence current fundamental and transient wavelet energy are constructed. A multi-fault information wavelet neural network ranging model with transient reactive power as input characteristic is proposed. Immune particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the initial selection of the parameters of the wavelet neural network, and the optimal initial values of each parameter are obtained. MATLAB simulation results show that compared with BP neural network and wavelet neural network localization method, the optimized wavelet neural network localization method can effectively improve the learning efficiency and ranging accuracy. Finally, the distributed and centralized control and protection theory based on distribution automation is analyzed briefly.


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