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发布时间:2019-04-29 17:21
【摘要】:二极管箝位式三电平逆变器由于具有开关器件电压应力小、结构简单和控制灵活等特点,被广泛应用于高电压和大功率场合。对于逆变器控制方法而言,核心部分是调制策略,所以对其进行研究具有重要意义。良好的调制策略不仅能有效的改善输出电压特性,而且具有调制算法简单、易实现的特点。 小波变换因具有优良的时频局域能力和多分辨率分析的特点,在通信信号调制领域应用广泛。随着理论的完善,国外学者已成功将小波调制应用于电力电子技术中,并对两电平逆变器的小波调制进行了大量研究。研究表明,小波调制作为一种新的脉冲宽度调制技术,其输出电压基波幅值大、谐波含量低、开关损耗小,并且易于数字化实现。 本文以二极管箝位式三电平逆变器为研究对象,对小波调制策略下逆变器输出电压波形质量、开关损耗、中点电位平衡等方面进行研究。首先在对小波调制基本工作原理做分析的基础上,对单相两电平H桥逆变器的小波调制进行理论研究。其次,结合单相二极管箝位式三电平逆变器的工作原理,对小波调制策略进行研究,并将研究结果与SPWM调制策略进行比较。同时研究小波调制总采样组数与电压谐波畸变率间的关系,并对逆变器的输出电压进行傅里叶分析,得到基波电压和谐波畸变率的理论值,以验证小波分析的正确性。之后分析三相小波调制的实现原理,对三相三电平逆变器的小波调制进行研究。将研究结果与载波层叠PWM调制策略和空间矢量调制策略进行比较,分析小波调制的优点。同时,研究小波调制策略下的中点电位波形,并采用硬件电路对中点电位平衡进行控制。最后根据小波调制的理论分析和逆变器的仿真研究,通过搭建TMS320F2812DSP的软硬件实验平台实现三电平逆变器的小波调制,得到逆变器的实验波形,,验证小波算法的正确性。 研究结果表明,小波调制可实现对三电平逆变器的有效控制。而且小波调制策略下三电平逆变器输出电压质量高、开关频率低、算法简单且易于实现。并且该策略下逆变器中点电压波动幅值小,电压均值接近于零,无明显中点电位偏离。所以,多电平逆变器小波调制的研究具有重要价值。
[Abstract]:Diode-clamped three-level inverter is widely used in high-voltage and high-power applications because of its low voltage stress, simple structure and flexible control. As far as inverter control method is concerned, modulation strategy is the core part, so it is of great significance to study it. The good modulation strategy can not only improve the output voltage characteristics, but also has the characteristics of simple modulation algorithm and easy realization. Wavelet transform is widely used in the field of communication signal modulation because of its excellent time-frequency localization ability and multi-resolution analysis. With the improvement of the theory, foreign scholars have successfully applied wavelet modulation to power electronics technology, and carried on a lot of research on wavelet modulation of two-level inverter. The results show that, as a new pulse width modulation technology, wavelet modulation has the advantages of large fundamental amplitude of output voltage, low harmonic content, low switching loss and easy to realize digitally. In this paper, the output voltage waveform quality, switching loss and midpoint potential balance of a diode-clamped three-level inverter are studied under the wavelet modulation strategy. Firstly, based on the analysis of the basic principle of wavelet modulation, the wavelet modulation of single-phase two-level H-bridge inverter is studied theoretically. Secondly, based on the principle of single-phase diode-clamped three-level inverter, the wavelet modulation strategy is studied, and the results are compared with the SPWM modulation strategy. At the same time, the relationship between the total sampling group of wavelet modulation and the voltage harmonic distortion rate is studied. The output voltage of the inverter is analyzed by Fourier transform, and the theoretical values of the fundamental voltage and harmonic distortion rate are obtained to verify the correctness of the wavelet analysis. Then the realization principle of three-phase wavelet modulation is analyzed and the wavelet modulation of three-phase three-level inverter is studied. The advantages of wavelet modulation are analyzed by comparing the results with carrier cascaded PWM modulation strategy and space vector modulation strategy. At the same time, the midpoint potential waveform under the wavelet modulation strategy is studied, and the hardware circuit is used to control the midpoint potential balance. Finally, according to the theoretical analysis of wavelet modulation and the simulation research of inverter, the wavelet modulation of three-level inverter is realized by building the software and hardware experiment platform of TMS320F2812DSP, and the experimental waveform of inverter is obtained, and the correctness of wavelet algorithm is verified. The results show that wavelet modulation can effectively control the three-level inverter. Moreover, the output voltage of three-level inverter based on wavelet modulation strategy is high, the switching frequency is low, and the algorithm is simple and easy to realize. Under this strategy, the midpoint voltage fluctuation amplitude of the inverter is small, the average voltage is close to zero, and there is no obvious midpoint potential deviation. Therefore, the research of multi-level inverter wavelet modulation has important value.


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