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发布时间:2019-05-06 09:44
[Abstract]:After the tail gate of Plant B of Guangzhou Energy Storage Power Plant was put into operation, the door blade swing and vibration were obvious, the door blade opening indicated failure, the door blade limit block fell off, the operation relay piston rod shaft seal leakage, the relay piston rod and the gate blade connection point leakage, the door blade opening indication failure, the gate blade limit block shedding, the relay piston rod and the gate blade connection point leakage, It is considered that the pressure fluctuation in the draft pipe is the cause of the defect due to the defects such as the fracture of the reverse arch spring plate of the door blade. By reforming the connecting mode of the door vane and the relay piston rod, the reverse position limiting device of the door vane and the piston rod of the relay, the pressure shaft seal structure of the opening indicator rod can greatly reduce the influence of the pressure pulsation on the gate. The swing and vibration of the retrofitted backdoor blades are effectively controlled, and the tailing gate is running well at present.
【作者单位】: 广州蓄能水电厂;


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