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发布时间:2019-05-07 08:31
【摘要】:随着移动互联网络技术、嵌入式技术和LED行业的飞速发展,ZigBee技术作为一种新兴的无线通信技术得到了行业的大力支持。其本身的通信机制的优越性,如低成本、低耗能、低速率、安全系数高等性能使得ZigBee技术在工业自动化、车载电子、家庭自动化等很多领域大显身手。 目前,针对楼宇电线布网繁琐、扩展性差、功能单一、管理成本高、耗能严重等诸多缺陷,传统照明系统已无法满足现代楼宇管理的需求,因此行业内对楼宇内网络化、智能化、节能化的照明需求也越来越高,将各种照明灯具、安防报警设备等系统集成到同一个控制平台,实现智能控制和管理,对于降低运营成本显得尤为重要。本文研究的LED智能照明控制系统是行业需求越来越大的基于ZigBee网络和LED技术的楼宇智能照明控制系统。对于构建LED智能照明控制系统还存在如下几个问题: 1)楼宇内ZigBee网络中的照明控制节点是采用电池供电的,采用什么样的路由算法才能均衡节点的能量; 2) ZigBee网络中如果出现能量警报节点,该如何维持网络的正常运行[4] 3)采用什么样的控制方式来控制照明节点的亮暗或者关闭; 4)如何将各节点采集的信息汇集到计算机上进行集中管理; 本文针对上述几个问题,分析了本楼宇智能照明控制系统的软硬件需求,并详细设计了各个模块。本控制系统硬件主要包括:RF收发模块、协调器模块、路由器模块、终端模块、GSM模块和LED驱动模块,控制软件采用自主开发的《ZigBeeSerial南信工电信院LED智能照明控制系统》。采用以ZigBeeCC2530为主芯片的RF控制模块,将终端节点采集的信息传输至协调器,协调器通过RS232串口与计算机相连通信,即时的在上位机软件上显示各节点信息,上位机可选择自动或手动模式来控制各节点,另外,在手动模式下,可通过GSM模块来实现远程控制。本系统在操作上有效地降低了管理成本,在管理上有效地节约了人力资源,在电能供应上有效地节约了资源。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, embedded technology and LED industry, ZigBee technology as a new wireless communication technology has been strongly supported by the industry. The advantages of its own communication mechanism, such as low cost, low energy consumption, low speed, high safety factor, make ZigBee technology come into play in many fields such as industrial automation, on-board electronics, home automation and so on. At present, the traditional lighting system has been unable to meet the needs of modern building management because of many defects, such as tedious wiring distribution, poor expansibility, single function, high management cost, serious energy consumption, etc. Therefore, traditional lighting systems can not meet the needs of modern building management. The demand of intelligent and energy-saving lighting is getting higher and higher. It is very important to integrate all kinds of lighting lamps and lanterns, security alarm equipment and other systems into the same control platform to realize intelligent control and management, which is especially important to reduce the operating cost. The LED intelligent lighting control system studied in this paper is a building intelligent lighting control system based on ZigBee network and LED technology, which is more and more demanding in the industry. For the construction of LED intelligent lighting control system there are several problems as follows: 1) the lighting control nodes in the building ZigBee network are powered by battery and what routing algorithm can balance the energy of the nodes; 2) if the energy alarm node appears in ZigBee network, how to maintain the normal operation of the network [4] 3) what kind of control mode is adopted to control the lighting node light and dark or turn off; 4) how to collect the information collected by each node to the computer for centralized management, aiming at the above problems, this paper analyzes the software and hardware requirements of the intelligent lighting control system of this building, and designs each module in detail. The hardware of the control system mainly includes: RF transceiver module, coordinator module, router module, terminal module, GSM module and LED driver module. The control software adopts < LED Intelligent Lighting Control system of ZigBeeSerial Nangong Telecom Institute. Using the RF control module with ZigBeeCC2530 as the main chip, the information collected by the terminal node is transmitted to the coordinator. The coordinator communicates with the computer through the RS232 serial port, and displays the information of each node on the upper computer software immediately. The upper computer can choose automatic or manual mode to control each node. In addition, in manual mode, the remote control can be realized by GSM module. The system can effectively reduce the management cost, save the human resources and save the resources in the power supply.


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