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发布时间:2019-05-07 12:06
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power system, large-scale United power grid is gradually formed. The structure of interconnected power grid is becoming more and more complex and huge, and the distribution of operation conditions and power flow is becoming more and more flexible, which puts forward higher requirements for the safe and stable operation of interconnected power grid. Moreover, with the continuous expansion of the interconnected power grid, the linkage effect of the interconnection of the power grid is more obvious, and the scope of its influence and spread will also be expanded in the course of the accident disturbance. If handled incorrectly, there will probably be a large-scale blackout accident. Causing serious social impact and huge economic losses. Based on this, aiming at the deficiency of on-line search on active unlisting, this paper studies the searching method of active unlisted security operation strategy by linking the actual power grid with graph and Boolean function, and studies the searching method of active unlisted security operation strategy of power network. The main results are as follows: firstly, the three steady-state constraints that must be satisfied in active unlisting of power grid are studied. A graph theory model-node weight graph model, which is suitable for searching power network unlisting strategy with ordered binary decision graph (OBDD) technology, is established. Based on the in-depth study of the physical characteristics and working state changes of the power network structure before and after the de-listing, the node weights in the grid graph theory model are designed, and a practical simplified mathematical model suitable for the analysis of the power network unraveling is established. The mathematical expression matrix of power network model suitable for OBDD analysis is given. Secondly, by analyzing the changes of topology structure and operation characteristics of power system before and after unlisting, a simplified topology model of power system is proposed. According to the simplified topological model of power network, the boundary conditions of reasonable unalignment of power network are given, and the mathematical expression of the unlisted boundary condition of power network suitable for (OBDD) analysis of ordered binary decision graph is given. Thirdly, a search method based on OBDD is proposed for power network de-listing strategy. With the help of a simple example, the detailed method and process of searching the alternative unlisting strategy based on OBDD technology are introduced in detail, and the one-to-one correspondence principle between the simplified diagram of the power grid and the de-listing strategy of the original power grid is given. In addition, a time allocation scheme for searching active delisting strategy of power grid is proposed, which can guarantee the practical application of the searching method of power network unlisting strategy based on OBDD. The simulation results of IEEE-39 and IEEE-118 node systems show that the proposed method has high performance in searching the reasonable unmarshalling strategy of power grid. It can provide a reasonable de-listing scheme for the power system in the extreme state in a short period of time.


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