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发布时间:2019-05-09 21:43
【摘要】:高压开关柜在电力行业中具有重要作用,是发展智能电网的关键一环。随着国家对电力行业的愈发重视,高压开关行业取得了很好的发展。传统高压开关柜在电流测量方面采用传统铁磁互感器,其测量精度低、频带窄,具有磁滞现象等问题,不能满足智能电网下测量数字化、实时性的要求,因而需要一种新型的、能够满足智能电网要求的电流测量技术。本文针对高压开关柜电流测量,利用磁传感器电流测量方法,设计出测量拓扑矩阵,推导了磁传感器测量数学模型以及电流求解矩阵。在此基础上,设计电流测量实验,在0~1200A范围内,利用磁传感器对电流进行测量。通过测量数据计算分析,确定性能最好的磁传感器型号MMLP57H,测量精度可以达到2%。完成了高压开关柜母线室的三维数值模型。利用棱边单元法计算分析母线电磁场分布,探讨了磁场随母线工作电流、母线相间间距、母线高度的变化规律。设计了磁传感器拓扑结构优化实验。对KYN28-10k V高压开关柜进行区域划分,对母线内部磁场进行逐点测量,利用测量数据验证三维仿真模型的正确性,实现磁传感器测量拓扑结构优化。优化后的测量拓扑结构方案为距离母线左边缘a=30~40mm,距离母线上部h=150~300mm,距离母线表面垂直距离d=10~15cm。利用电流测量实验对比优化前后的电流测量效果,优化后的电流测量精度达到1.1%。完成了母线室内电磁抗干扰设计。从磁传感器PCB板、嵌入式系统屏蔽机箱、母线室屏蔽以及弱电系统走线四个方面进行了电磁抗干扰设计,提出了解决措施。利用实验数据,对比了屏蔽板不同摆放方式对于母线室屏蔽前后的效果,引进了屏蔽效能作为衡量屏蔽效果的重要指标。设计母线室内弱电系统布局走线,采用双层屏蔽线,避免传输信号受到电磁干扰影响。
[Abstract]:High voltage switchgear plays an important role in the power industry and is a key link in the development of smart grid. With the increasing attention of the country to the power industry, the high-voltage switch industry has made a good development. The traditional high voltage switchgear adopts traditional ferromagnetic transformer in current measurement. Its measurement accuracy is low, the frequency band is narrow, and it has the phenomenon of magnetic lag. It can not meet the requirements of digitization and real-time measurement under smart grid, so a new type of measurement is needed. Current measurement technology which can meet the requirements of smart grid. In this paper, aiming at the current measurement of high voltage switchgear, the measurement topological matrix is designed by using the current measurement method of magnetic sensor, and the mathematical model of magnetic sensor measurement and the current solution matrix are derived. On this basis, the current measurement experiment is designed, and the current is measured by magnetic sensor in the range of 0 鈮,




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