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发布时间:2019-05-12 11:05
[Abstract]:At present, mobile phones have become a product that people use every day, but the problem of poor endurance of smartphones and large-screen phones has been perplexing consumers and mobile phone manufacturers. According to the theoretical and experimental results of different piezoelectric power generation structures, a multi-oscillator composite beam structure is proposed based on the innovation of cantilever piezoelectric power generation structure, which can not only meet the actual needs of wide spectrum response. It can also absorb more vibration energy through the bending of the whole beam and transfer it to the piezoelectric oscillator. The model parameters suitable for the vibration frequency of mobile phone are determined by finite element simulation analysis, and the portable packaging design (mobile phone shell) is carried out, as well as the design and experiment of related circuits. The specific research contents are as follows: 1. Two kinds of piezoelectric power generation structures, cantilever beam structure and simply supported beam structure, which can be used to generate electricity by mobile phone, are tested repeatedly, and the average experimental results are compared and analyzed. It is found that the piezoelectric oscillator with cantilever structure is more suitable for mobile phone application environment. 2. In order to match the designed piezoelectric power generation device with the vibration frequency of mobile phone and achieve the best energy acquisition effect, the vibration frequency spectrum line of mobile phone after percussion is tested repeatedly in this paper, and the first peak frequency point is 1600Hz. 3. By comparing the experimental results of the cantilever piezoelectric oscillator with the simulation results of the equal size Ansys finite element model, it is found that the frequency, peak voltage and peak displacement of the piezoelectric oscillator are not only the frequency, peak voltage or peak displacement of the piezoelectric oscillator. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which verifies the feasibility of analyzing piezoelectric power generation structure by Ansys finite element simulation analysis software. 4. According to the actual situation of application and the characteristics of cantilever beam piezoelectric power generation structure, the multi-vibrator composite beam piezoelectric power generation structure is innovatively proposed in this paper. The software of Ansys finite element simulation and analysis is used to design the composite beam piezoelectric power generation structure. The effects of different material parameters and acoustic parameters on the performance of the system are analyzed. Finally, the parameters of the piezoelectric power generation device with composite beam structure which can match the frequency response spectral lines of the target are determined, and the comparison results between the simulation spectral lines and the experimental tests are given. 5. A set of beautiful, practical and feasible packaging method of piezoelectric power generation device into a portable mobile phone shell is designed, and the design drawing of all parts and the installation method of each part are given. And presents the mobile phone installed many oscillator composite beam structure piezoelectric power generation mobile phone shell final effect design drawing. 6. According to the experimental results of single-chip piezoelectric oscillator, a set of charging circuit to meet the charging requirements of mobile phone is designed, and the relevant tests are made to make sure that the designed circuit can accomplish the desired function.


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