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发布时间:2019-05-12 17:13
[Abstract]:Non-linear electric equipment is widely used in power system. These equipments will produce a large number of harmonics in the process of operation, reduce the power quality of the power grid, and interfere with the normal operation of communication system and adjacent equipment. It even causes direct economic losses to the power grid. Transformer is an important electrical equipment in power supply system. With the increasing of harmonic injected into power system, transformer loss will increase, temperature will rise, life and efficiency will decrease. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the additional harmonic loss and operation characteristics of transformer to ensure the safety and economic operation of power system. In view of the problems existing in the research of transformer harmonic damage at present, the harmonic additional loss of transformer in power supply system and the operation characteristics of transformer under harmonic background are analyzed emphatically. According to the mechanism of transformer harmonic loss, the transformer harmonic model is established, the value of transformer harmonic parameters and the calculation method of harmonic loss are studied, and the additional loss and harmonic distortion rate caused by harmonics in different types of transformers are analyzed and calculated. The variation law of harmonic composition and additional harmonic loss of transformer. According to the change of capacity, temperature rise and life of transformer under harmonic action, the relationship between K coefficient and harmonic current distortion rate and capacitance reduction coefficient D is analyzed, and the calculation model of capacitance reduction coefficient and harmonic current distortion rate is established. The actual capacity of transformer under harmonic background is calculated. The curve fitting method is used to draw the curve of harmonic number and transformer winding loss, top oil temperature, harmonic current distortion rate and transformer life. Finally, taking the power supply system of an enterprise as an example, the electrical parameters of the system are measured and processed, and the additional loss of the transformer is calculated through the measured data after processing to verify the correctness of the harmonic loss law. The percentage of power consumed by transformer harmonic loss in frequency conversion speed regulation is calculated. Quantitative analysis and research on harmonic harm of transformer in order to reduce harmonic loss of transformer, prolong service life of transformer, reduce failure rate and improve economy of power supply system. Safety and energy saving of variable frequency speed regulation system have certain theoretical significance and practical value.


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