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发布时间:2019-05-15 23:11
[Abstract]:In order to analyze the low pressure injection performance of (RNS), a normal waste heat removal system in AP1000 nuclear power plant, In this paper, it is conservatively assumed that the pressure of the reactor coolant system under the condition of low pressure injection and the minimum injection flow rate to prevent the water level of the core replenishment tank from continuing to decline are constant. On this basis, combined with the layout information of RNS low pressure injection pipeline and the performance curve of normal waste heat discharge pump, The low pressure injection performance of RNS under the condition of low pressure injection into reactor coolant system is calculated and analyzed when RNS absorbs water from two sources of water source built in the containment tank and loading tank respectively (mainly with the help of injection flow rate and injection). The shoot duration is measured by two performance parameters. Through the above calculation and analysis, this paper not only verifies the reliability of AP1000RNS low pressure injection function design, but also quantitatively gives the actual injection capacity of two low pressure injection sources.
【作者单位】: 深圳中广核工程设计有限公司上海分公司;


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