[Abstract]:The relay is one of the most basic components used in the control of the switch, and is widely used in the fields of industrial control and weaponry. As the relay is often used for automatic control of critical signals, the accuracy and stability of the device or product function will be directly affected. At present, the main means for detecting whether the relay is qualified is to monitor the operation time and the contact pressure drop by aging test, The need for synchronous sampling of relay aging platforms is particularly urgent. Based on the project of a scientific research project, this paper designs the relay aging platform based on LabVIEW. In this paper, the background and development of the subject research are introduced, and the hardware design framework of this project is put forward according to the actual demand, and the hardware circuits including the conditioning circuit, the acquisition circuit, the power supply and the ISA standard bus interface are designed. Based on the LabVIEW of the software development platform of the virtual instrument, the function design of the control software of the aging platform is designed based on the operation time of the relay and the voltage drop of the contact as the initial detection parameter. In the end, the aging platform designed in this paper is used to test the relay which is to be tested, and the test results show that the software and hardware of the platform are designed correctly, and the relay can be effectively aged and tested.
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