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发布时间:2019-05-17 21:05
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of power grid scale and the gradual increase of high voltage transmission lines, the power system puts forward higher requirements for relay protection. According to the transient stability requirements of power system, the reliable and fast operation of protection must be realized. The operation speed of relay protection based on power frequency has been unable to meet the requirements, and the transient component of fault can be used to form ultra-high speed protection, which has good rapidity, so it can meet the requirements of ultra-high voltage transmission line. Limited by the shortage of signal analysis methods, it is difficult to separate the transient initial traveling wave signal from all kinds of noise interference, which limits the development of protection. When the transmission line fails, the transient traveling wave signal propagated from the fault point to the bus at both ends will be generated on the line, and the fault characteristics of the transmission line will be included in these signals. In this paper, based on the careful analysis of the generation and transmission process of traveling waves on transmission lines, the theory of mathematical morphology is applied to the detection of transient traveling wave fault characteristics. A traveling wave direction protection scheme based on mathematical morphology is proposed. The multi-resolution algorithm of mathematical morphology is used to filter the fault signal and extract the local characteristics of the transient initial traveling wave signal, and the instantaneous power local mode Maxima of the traveling wave signal is obtained. The polarity characteristics of the sudden change point in the fault can be accurately judged, and the direction protection can be realized. In this paper, the Matlab/simulink software is used to simulate and analyze the EHV transmission line supplied by 500kV, and the reliability and effectiveness of the protection scheme are verified by simulation. The simulation analysis shows that the protection scheme is not affected by fault type, transition resistance, fault time and so on. It can reliably eliminate noise interference and accurately judge the fault direction.


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