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发布时间:2019-05-22 10:47
【摘要】:电网继电保护装置是电网安全卫士,是保证电力系统安全、稳定运行和保护电力设备的重要装置,其作用的正确发挥严重依赖于继电保护配置方案的合理性及装置定值整定的正确性。 近年来,随着山东省经济、技术的发展,济南地区的电网工程建设项目越来越多,且随着电网新技术、新设备的采用,对电网的安全稳定运行提出了更高的要求。 由于济南电网电力系统的装置运行、定值整定都是依据本地区的运行经验和传统来确定的,且随着电网网架结构的发展、系统运行方式、变压器中性点接地方式的变化,传统的电网继电保护配置方案和整定原则在许多方面已不能满足电网发展的要求。 本文根据济南电网当前的实际情况,参照电力系统继电保护的一般配置、整定原则,分析济南电网结构特点和电网继电保护面临的主要问题,结合常见系统运行方式及变压器中性点接地方式,提出了“加强保护配置、优化整定原则”的总体思路。分电压等级对线路、变压器等电力元件提出保护装置优化配置方案及功能配置方案,并在此基础上讨论相应的继电保护整定计算优化原则。 在保护配置方面,本文着重分析了220kV线路、变压器保护以及110kV变压器保护的优化配置方案,并紧扣当前新能源发展形势,分析了分布式电源对济南电网的影响。在整定原则方面,本文着重分析了济南电网220kV系统简化后备保护整定配合的优化方案,以及110kV线路保护整定原则的优化调整。通过两方面的有机结合,有效解决了济南电网继电保护所面临的主要问题,并为今后电网新、改、扩建工程的规划设计、电网运行提供理论指导。
[Abstract]:The power network relay protection device is the safety guard of the power network, which is an important device for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the electric power system and the protection of the power equipment, and the correct functioning of the power network is seriously dependent on the rationality of the relay protection configuration scheme and the correctness of the setting of the fixed value of the device. In recent years, with the development of economy and technology in Shandong province, more and more power grid project construction projects in Jinan area, and with the adoption of new technology and new equipment of power grid, the safe and stable operation of power grid has been put forward. As a result of the operation of the equipment in the power system of Jinan Power Grid, the fixed value is determined according to the operation experience and the tradition of the region, and with the development of the grid structure of the power grid, the system operation mode and the grounding mode of the neutral point of the transformer The traditional power network relay protection configuration scheme and the setting principle have been unable to meet the development of the power grid in many respects. According to the current situation of Jinan power network, this paper, with reference to the general configuration and setting principle of power system relay protection, analyzes the characteristics of the power grid structure and the main problems of the power grid relay protection, in combination with the common system operation mode and the transformer neutral The "Strengthen the protection configuration and optimize the setting principle" of the point-to-ground mode is presented. The general idea of the general idea is to put forward protection device optimization configuration scheme and function configuration scheme for power elements such as line and transformer, and to discuss the corresponding relay protection and fixed meter on the basis of this. In the aspect of protection and configuration, the optimized configuration scheme of 220 kV line, transformer protection and 110 kV transformer protection is analyzed, and the current situation of new energy development is closely fastened, and the distributed power supply pair is analyzed. The influence of the Jinan Power Grid is analyzed in this paper. The optimization scheme of the simplified backup protection setting of the 220 kV system of Jinan Power Grid and the protection setting of the 110kV line are analyzed in this paper. The optimization and adjustment of the principle can effectively solve the main problems faced by the relay protection of the Jinan power network through the organic combination of the two aspects, and provide the planning and design of the new power network, the change and expansion project and the power grid transportation in the future.


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