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发布时间:2019-05-24 00:57
[Abstract]:In the power system, transformer is one of the indispensable electrical equipment, its total capacity far exceeds the total capacity of the generator, and the power loss accounts for a large part of the network loss of the power system. Therefore, whether the utilization mode of transformer is economical or not directly affects the size of power loss. Distribution transformer is the terminal transformer of power grid, which has the advantages of large number, low degree of automation, large loss in uneconomical operation, and its economic operation has great economic application value. The economic operation of distribution transformer can reduce the maintenance cost of power supply department, reduce the production cost of factory, and achieve the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction. Based on the reason of large energy saving space and low automation degree of distribution transformer, this paper takes the double winding transformer at the end of distribution network as the main research object. This paper analyzes how to reduce the loss in the operation of distribution transformer to realize the economic operation and how to determine the switching time of the economic operation, and illustrates the energy saving effect of the economic operation of the distribution network transformer through an example calculation. Because of the large number and wide distribution of transformers at the end of the distribution network, it will take a lot of manpower and time to switch the economical operation mode of the transformer manually, so this paper develops an automatic switching device for the economic operation of the transformer. Automatic switching and switching of transformers is of great significance to improve the degree of automation of distribution transformers and promote the economic operation of distribution transformers. The specific research contents of this paper are as follows: 1. Combined with the load curve, the initial operation section of the transformer is divided by the intersection point of the transformer loss curve of different operation modes. By using the fuzzy decision method, considering the influence of the time length of each initial operation interval and the power saving factor, the optimal values of each operation section are calculated and sorted. The operation section with small excellent value is constantly removed until the requirements of transformer switching times are met, and the optimal economic operation mode and switching point of transformer are obtained. 2. According to the load curve and certain rules, the changing trend interval of load is divided. The period control method is used to improve the investment point of economic operation obtained by fuzzy decision method, and the fixed point of the original economic operation is converted into the switching time period, so as to reduce the dependence of the switching time on the load curve and make it more suitable for the actual load curve. More flexible. 3. Taking the actual load of a district and factory as an example, the economic operation of transformers running side by side and running separately is analyzed by using the above decision method, and the optimal economic operation mode is obtained. The results of example analysis show that the above economic operation switching decision method can reduce the switching times of transformers and pursue greater power saving benefits. The economical operation of transformer can effectively reduce the loss of transformer and reduce the cost of power consumption in enterprises. 4. An automatic switching device with DSP2812 as the core control is developed. the device is suitable for the economic operation of the transformer in separate and parallel operation, and can automatically control the switching of the transformer and make the transformer in an economical operation state. The inrush current suppression function is added to the device to restrain the inrush current of the air drop transformer, which makes the economical operation of the transformer more feasible. In this paper, the hardware structure and automatic switching algorithm of the device are given. The prototype is used to carry out the test, and the test results show that the device realizes the expected function.


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