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发布时间:2019-05-27 08:32
[Abstract]:Because of its high efficiency and low emission, the electric vehicle with lithium ion battery as the power source is expected to replace the internal combustion engine vehicle with fossil fuel as energy source. The popularity of electric vehicles will effectively solve major social problems such as global warming and air pollution. As the core component of electric vehicle, one of the key problems of lithium-ion battery is aging and its accompanying power and energy density reduction. It has been shown that temperature and charge state (SOC), charge and discharge rate are the main factors affecting the aging process of lithium ion batteries. In electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries are used in groups. Because of the inconsistency between batteries and the different positions of each battery, different batteries bear different loads and thermal environment, which is bound to make the aging of different batteries inconsistent. In this paper, the effects of battery inconsistency and thermal effect on the uneven current distribution are studied. A parallel experimental module of two batteries is designed to explore the changes of current distribution under different operating conditions (charge-discharge rate, temperature, etc.). First of all, the importance of the influence of battery internal resistance on the current distribution of parallel batteries is investigated. Five different methods are proposed and compared. Secondly, different load, temperature and other working conditions will also have different effects on the battery pack, and the experimental results also explore the difference of current distribution of parallel battery pack under different thermal boundary conditions and internal resistance. In this study, the effects of these factors on the current distribution of parallel batteries were investigated by investigating the internal resistance of single cell, the difference of initial open circuit voltage and thermal boundary conditions. Firstly, the internal resistance of the single cell was studied and measured. Because the internal resistance plays an important role in the current distribution of parallel batteries, five different internal resistance measurement methods are applied and compared in this study. Secondly, the loading current and ambient temperature of the battery pack are changed, and the internal resistance of the single cell is investigated, and the effects of the time needed to achieve SOC equilibrium and the thermal boundary conditions on the battery pack are investigated. It is found that the current distribution of parallel battery pack is affected by three main factors: (1) the resistance difference of each branch in parallel circuit, including the internal resistance and contact resistance of single cell; (2) the difference of open circuit voltage (OCV) of single cell depends on its SOC and temperature and (3) the temperature difference of single cell itself due to the different position in the battery pack. In order to minimize the current distribution and SOC difference of parallel battery pack, we investigated the following factors: 1) connecting conductor resistance: replacing copper wire with silver wire of the same length, The difference between SOC and current distribution in the charge and discharge process of battery pack is reduced. 2) the difference of initial open-circuit voltage between single cell: after each charge-discharge cycle, the static time increases for 13 hours, and the difference between current and SOC distribution in the next charge-discharge cycle decreases; 3) by improving the consistency of the thermal environment of the battery pack, the huge difference of current distribution caused by the different encapsulation conditions of the battery pack can be eliminated. We expect that the conclusions here will also apply to modules with more batteries.


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