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发布时间:2019-05-27 22:53
[Abstract]:The traditional thermal power generation method and some diesel power generation methods used in some smaller power networks are generated by burning fossil fuels, but with the rapid development of society, the demand for electricity is increasing. These traditional ways of generating electricity will undoubtedly bring serious environmental problems. Internal combustion engine is widely used in many aspects of industry and agriculture. Gas internal combustion generator uses environmentally friendly clean energy (natural gas, etc.) as fuel, which reduces the pollution to the environment, and has small volume and reliable operation. Power generation efficiency and other advantages, so the development potential is huge. In this paper, on the basis of establishing the model of gas internal combustion generator, the nonlinear robust control technology for improving the dynamic quality of gas internal combustion generator is studied by using the extended state observer. The simulation analysis is carried out in single machine infinite bus system and offshore platform multi-computer system. In this paper, the working principle of internal combustion engine is introduced, and the air-fuel ratio control mode and ignition advance angle control mode in internal combustion engine speed control are described, combined with the modeling method of steam turbine in power system. Under the DIgSILENT/Powerfactory software platform, according to the working process of the gas internal combustion engine, the model of the gas internal combustion engine and its speed regulation system is established. According to the parameters of gas internal combustion generator provided by a certain manufacturer, a single machine infinite bus system model connected to gas internal combustion engine is established, and the effectiveness of the modeling method is verified by simulation. Then, the parameter design method of extended state observer for arbitrary order systems is introduced. in this method, as long as the pole assignment of compensation matrix is reasonable, The extended state observer can track the change of the state quantity of the system quickly and without overshoot, and can estimate the uncertain change and external disturbance of the system model in real time. Based on the extended state observer, the nonlinear robust control technology is studied. combined with the linear optimal control principle, the nonlinear system is simplified to a linear system for control design, and a simulation example is given. The nonlinear robust control technology based on extended state observer is used to design the additional throttle control and additional excitation control of gas internal combustion generator, and the simulation analysis under different conditions is carried out in a single machine infinite bus system. Finally, three platforms of an offshore platform microgrid are selected as the research object system, and six small gas internal combustion generators are connected to it to form a multi-machine system. The designed additional throttle control and additional excitation control are applied to the gas internal combustion generator control system in multi-machine system. The effect of the controller is simulated and analyzed under different conditions. The simulation results show that, The designed controller can improve the stability and robustness of the system.


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