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发布时间:2019-05-29 04:04
[Abstract]:Based on the actual project, the purpose of this paper is to develop a distributed parallel monitoring system based on CAN bus for automatic assembly production line of power lithium battery pack. The production line is a comprehensive automatic control system which integrates pneumatic technology, sensing technology, embedded technology, control technology and so on. A technologically advanced processing production and manufacturing system has been formed. The use of the upper computer monitoring system provides an intuitive control platform for the user, which facilitates the user's control of the production line, reduces the labor intensity and improves the production efficiency of the power lithium battery. In this paper, according to the characteristics and functional requirements of power lithium battery production line, a set of upper computer monitoring system for power lithium battery production line is developed, and the design principle and system architecture of upper computer software development in production line monitoring system are studied. The main coding implementation process completes the design and development of the software. The software mainly includes field equipment layer, real-time database layer, man-machine interface layer and other basic modules. A control mode combining upper computer, lower computer and CAN bus communication is applied to the production line control system, and the development process of the system is introduced in detail. The system is composed of the main control computer located in the monitoring center, the CAN adapter PCL-841 and the unit control node located in each station of the production line. Each station control unit interacts with the upper computer through the CAN network. CAN adapter realizes the function of CAN communication of industrial computer. The main control computer can communicate with each control node through CAN network to realize the centralized management function, thus forming the distributed monitoring structure of decentralized monitoring and centralized management. This paper introduces in detail the development of the upper computer system. For the computer monitoring system, the reliability requirements are very high, and the monitoring software needs to monitor the working status of the production line 24 hours a day. All the state information of the lower computer will be summarized to the upper computer, and the data processing ability of the upper computer will directly affect the reliability of the system. The real-time performance of data acquisition and processing in upper computer and the reliability of data transmission are very important. In this paper, the design of communication between upper and lower computer is introduced, including the selection of baud rate. The use of multithreading and the detailed formulation process of communication protocol between upper and lower computer. Finally, the debugging process of the production line, as well as the problems in the debugging process and the corresponding solutions are introduced. The system is stable and reliable in the actual test operation, and can meet the assembly work of power lithium battery pack. Electric vehicle has become an important direction of automobile traffic in our country in the future, which provides a broad market prospect for lithium-ion power battery, so the design of this production line will have a good market prospect in the future.


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