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发布时间:2019-05-29 06:13
[Abstract]:With the aggravation of the energy crisis and the increasingly prominent environmental problems, nuclear power has the advantages of cleanliness, economy, sustainability and so on, which will become the inevitable object of energy choice in the economic and social development of our country. In the history of nuclear power development in China, the location of nuclear power units has always been in the southern coastal areas. However, since the 11th five-year Plan, with the increase of nuclear power plant demand, the site selection of nuclear power units began to extend to the middle latitudes of the north. However, the low temperature of sea water in winter in the north will affect the safe operation of the nuclear power plant. The heat trap system is the medium for nuclear power plants to release waste heat into nature to ensure the normal operation of the unit and the safe operation of the unit under accident conditions. In this paper, the design improvement and research progress of low temperature heat trap system at home and abroad are briefly introduced. Two improvement schemes of heat exchanger bypass and hot water reflux are put forward, and taking the engineering practice as an example, the new problems and solutions encountered in the engineering construction of the system are emphasized. Aiming at the bypass scheme of heat exchanger, this paper expounds the rationality and feasibility of the design improvement from the aspects of the necessity of improvement, the arrangement scheme of the system, the operation mode of the system and the improved control scheme. The improved control scheme includes the influence of new orifice plate on operation, the influence of seawater tide level, the analysis of blind spot of heat load regulation and so on. In view of the hot water reflux scheme, the advantages of the hot water reflux scheme are expounded by comparing with the heat exchanger bypass scheme. The feasibility of the improved scheme is further expounded from the aspects of gear flow calculation, gear load analysis, system operation control and so on. Finally, the influence of design improvement on other majors is analyzed. Taking the engineering practice as an example, this paper enumerates a series of new problems found in the debugging and starting stage after the improvement of the system, and analyzes the treatment schemes of the new problems. It includes the problem of heat exchanger icing, ultrasonic Flowmeter display and nuclear power fluctuation. The gas accumulation problem of standby hot water reflux pipeline in hot water reflux scheme, the interaction of transient pressure between RRI/SEC start and stop, and the low gear position in winter mode can not meet the safety criteria, etc., and the hot water loop pipeline has been replenished and modified. And the efficiency test of plate heat exchanger in winter and so on. The different operation points and basic data of the heat trap system in different improvement schemes are obtained, which enhances the understanding of the design and operation of the heat trap system in the high latitude cold region, and provides the basic basis for the design and safety evaluation of the nuclear power plant heat trap in the high latitude cold region.


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