[Abstract]:In recent years, most of the research on intelligent power consumption technology of advanced measurement system has focused on the terminal equipment of the system, communication technology and its basic functions, but the research on the application of basic functional data is relatively small. Therefore, how to make users use electricity more economically and reasonably according to the price information of power grid companies and their own energy structure has become the development trend of intelligent power technology. The purpose of this paper is to study and design a household power consumption strategy based on intelligent power consumption system. Through this strategy, the working conditions of household electrical equipment can be reasonably adjusted, so that users can achieve the goal of the highest quality of electricity consumption and saving electricity expenditure. Firstly, according to the research situation of advanced measurement system, the architecture of home intelligent power consumption system is designed, and the main station, indoor network, local information management terminal and corresponding communication technology of the system are introduced respectively. Then the household power consumption strategy is studied from the two parts of household power planning and family energy management. Household power planning provides household energy management with the data of power consumption of electrical equipment involved in the planning. The research of household electricity planning is to establish a household electricity planning model based on the user's electricity habit and the time-sharing electricity price information of the power grid company, taking the start-up time of the electrical equipment as the decision variable and the minimum household electricity expenditure as the goal. The establishment of household energy management model is aimed at a new type of household which adopts the combined power supply of municipal power grid and photovoltaic grid-connected power generation. The household energy consumption nodes are divided into indoor temperature energy consumption and hot water heating energy consumption. Battery energy storage and other electrical equipment energy consumption, indoor temperature regulation power, hot water system heating switch, battery charge and discharge power as the control, tracking indoor temperature and hot water temperature requirements, at room temperature, Hot water service quality is the highest and electricity expenditure is saved as the goal. In this paper, the optimization methods based on genetic algorithm are designed for household power planning model and family energy management model, and the constraint conditions for solving the control variables of family energy management model are analyzed, and the corresponding adjustment methods are given. In order to verify the effectiveness of genetic algorithm in solving household power consumption model, the simulation experiments are carried out, and the simulation results show that this method can effectively save the electricity cost of users.
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